Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

In general, when no interaction,
assess confounding by:

 Monitoring changes in effect
measure for subsets ofVs, i.e.,
monitor changes in

 Identify subsets of Vs giving
approximately samedOR as
gold standard

If dOR (subset ofVs)¼dOR (gold
standard), then
 which subset to use?

 why not use gold standard?

Answer: precision

less precise more precise

less narrow more narrow

CIs:( ) ( )

CI for GS may be either less precise
or more precise than CI for subset

In general, regardless of the number ofVsin
one’s model, the method for assessing con-
founding when there is no interaction is to
monitor changes in the effect measure cor-
responding to different subsets of potential
confounders in the model. That is, we must
see to what extent the estimated odds ratio
given by e to the^bfor a given subset is different
from the gold standard odds ratio.

More specifically, to assess confounding, we
need to identify subsets of theVs that give
approximately the same odds ratio as the gold
standard. Each of these subsets controls for

If we find one or more subsets of theVs, which
give us the same point estimate as the gold
standard, how then do we decide which subset
to use? Moreover, why do not we just use the
gold standard?

The answer to both these questions involves
consideration of precision. By precision, we
refer to how narrow a confidence interval
around the point estimate is. The narrower
the confidence interval, the more precise the
point estimate.

For example, suppose the 95% confidence
interval around the gold standarddOR of 2.5
that controls for all fiveVs has limits of 1.4
and 3.5, whereas the 95% confidence interval
around thedOR of 2.7 that controls forV 3 only
has limits of 1.1 and 4.2.

Then the gold standard OR estimate is more
precise than the OR estimate that controls for
V 3 only because the gold standard has the nar-
rower confidence interval. Specifically, the
narrower width is 3.5 minus 1.4, or 2.1,
whereas the wider width is 4.2 minus 1.1, or

Note that it is possible that the gold standard
estimate actually may be less precise than an
estimate resulting from control of a subset of
Vs. This will depend on the particular data set
being analyzed.

95% confidence interval (CI)
dOR¼ 2 : 5 ORd¼ 2 : 7
Gold standard
all fiveVs

Reduced model
V 3 only
3.5 – 1.4 = 2.1 4.2 – 1.1 = 3.1
()( )
1.4 narrower 3.5
more precise

1.1 wider 4.2
less precise

Presentation: III. Confounding and Precision Assessment When No Interaction 213
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