Why do not we use gold standard?
Answer. Might find subset of Vs
that will
gain precision (narrower CI)
without sacrificing validity
(same point estimate)
Which subset to control?
Answer. subset with most meaning-
ful gain in precision
Eligible subset. same point estimate
as gold standard
Recommended procedure:
(1) Identify eligible subsets ofVs
(2) Control for that subset with
largest gain in precision
However, if no subset givesbetter
precision, use gold standard
Scientific: Gold standard usesall
relevant variables for control
The answer to the question why do not we just
use the gold standard is that we might gain a
meaningful amount of precision controlling
for a subset ofVs without sacrificing validity.
That is, we might find a subset ofVs to give
essentially the same estimate as the gold stan-
dard but which also has a much narrower con-
fidence interval.
For instance, controlling forV 4 andV 5 may
obtain the same point estimate as the gold
standard but a narrower confidence interval,
as illustrated here. If so, we would prefer the
estimate that usesV 4 andV 5 in our model to
the gold standard estimate.
We also asked the question, “How do we decide
which subset to use for control?” The answer to
this is to choose that subset which gives the
most meaningful gain in precision among all
eligible subsets, including the gold standard.
Byeligible subset, we mean any collection ofVs
that gives essentially the same point estimate
as the gold standard.
Thus, we recommend the following general
procedure for the confounding and precision
assessment stage of our strategy:
(1) Identify eligible subsetsofVs giving
approximately the same odds ratio as the
gold standard.
(2) Control for that subset which gives the
largest gain in precision. However, if no
subset gives meaningfully better precision
than the gold standard, it isscientifically
better to control for allVs using the gold
The gold standard is scientifically better
because persons who critically appraise the
results of the study can see that when using
the gold standard, all the relevant variables
have been controlled for in the analysis.
Model dOR CI
3 V 4 andV 5 same
(1.9, 3.1)
(1.4, 3.5)
214 7. Modeling Strategy for Assessing Interaction and Confounding