Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
To assess (data-based) confounding here, we
must determine whether there is a meaningful
difference between the gold standard and
asterisked odds ratio expressions. There are
two alternative ways to do this. (The assess-
ment of confounding involves criteria beyond
what may exist in the data.)

One way is to compare corresponding esti-
mated coefficients in the odds ratio expression,
and then to make a decision whether there is a
meaningful difference in one or more of these

If we decideyes, that there is a difference, we
then conclude that there is confounding due to
V 3 , so that we cannot eliminateV 3 from the
model. If, on the other hand, we decideno,
that corresponding coefficients are not differ-
ent, we then conclude that we do not need to
control for the confounding effects ofV 3 .In
this case, we may consider droppingV 3 from
the model if we can gain precision by doing so.

Unfortunately, this approach for assessing
confounding is difficult in practice. In particu-
lar, in this example, the odds ratio expression
involves four coefficients, and it is likely that at
least one or more of these will change some-
what when one or more potential confounders
are dropped from the model.

To evaluate whether there is a meaningful
change in the odds ratio therefore requires an
overall decision as to whether the collection of
four coefficients,b^and three^d, in the odds
ratio expression meaningfully change. This is
a more subjective decision than for the no
interaction situation whenb^is the only coeffi-
cient to be monitored.

EXAMPLE (continued)
Meaningful difference?
Gold standard model:
dOR¼exp^bþ^d 1 V 1 þ^d 2 V 2 þ^d 4 V 4

Model withoutV 3 :
dOR*¼exp^b*þ^d* 1 V 1 þ^d* 2 V 2 þ^d* 4 V 4

b, d 1 , d 2 , d 4 vs. b, d 1 , d 2 , d 4
∗∗ ∗ ∗

Yes ) V 3 confounder;
cannot eliminateV 3

No ) V 3 not confounder;
dropV 3 if precision gain

Difficult approach:

 Four coefficients to compare
 Coefficients likely to change

Overall decision required about
change in
^b;^d 1 ;^d 2 ;^d 4

More subjective than when no
interaction (only^b)

220 7. Modeling Strategy for Assessing Interaction and Confounding

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