Moreover, because the odds ratio expression
involves the exponential of a linear function
of the four coefficients, these coefficients are
on a log odds ratio scale rather than an odds
ratio scale. Using a log scale to judge the mean-
ingfulness of a change is not as clinically rele-
vant as using the odds ratio scale.
For example, a change in ^b from12.69
to12.72 and a change in^d 1 from 0.0692 to
0.0696 are not easy to interpret as clinically
meaningful because these values are on a log
odds ratio scale.
A more interpretable approach, therefore, is to
view such changes on the odds ratio scale. This
involves calculating numerical values for the
odds ratio by substituting into the odds ratio
expression different choices of the values for
the effect modifiersWj.
Thus, to calculate an odds ratio value from the
gold standard formula shown here, which con-
trols for all four potential confounders, we
would need to specify values for the effect
modifiers V 1 , V 2 , and V 4 , where V 4 equals
V 1 V 2. For different choices ofV 1 andV 2 ,we
would then obtain different odds ratio values.
This information can be summarized in a table
or graph of odds ratios, which consider the
different specifications of the effect modifiers.
A sample table is shown here.
To assess confounding on an odds ratio scale,
we would then compute a similar table or
graph, which would consider odds ratio values
for a model that drops one or more eligibleV
variables. In our example, because the only
eligible variable isV 3 , we, therefore, need to
obtain an odds ratio table or graph for the
model that does not contain V 3. A sample
table of OR*values is shown here.
Thus, to assess whether we need to control for
confounding fromV 3 , we need to compare two
tables of odds ratios, one for the gold standard
and the other for the model that does not con-
tainV 3.
EXAMPLE (continued)
dOR¼expð^bþ^d 1 V 1 þ^d 2 V 2 þ^d 4 V 4 Þ
linear function
^b;^d 1 ;^d 2 ;^d 4 on log odds ratio scale, but
odds ratio scale is clinically relevant
Log odds ratio scale:
^b¼ 12 : 69 vs:^b¼ 12 : 72
^d 1 ¼ 0 : 0692 vs:^d 1 ¼ 0 : 0696
Odds ratio scale:
for different choices ofWj
Gold standard OR:
dOR¼expð^bþ^d 1 V 1 þ^d 2 V 2 þ^d 4 V 4 Þ;
whereV 4 ¼V 1 V 2.
SpecifyV 1 andV 2 to get OR:
V 1 ¼ 20 V 1 ¼ 30 V 1 ¼ 40
V 2 ¼ 100 dOR dOR ORd
V 2 ¼ 200 dOR dOR ORd
Model withoutV 3 :
dOR¼expð^bþ^d 1 V 1 þ^d 2 V 2 þ^d* 4 V 4 Þ
V 1 ¼ 20 V 1 ¼ 30 V 1 ¼ 40
V 2 ¼ 100 dOR dOR ORd
V 2 ¼ 200 dOR dOR ORd
Compare tables of
dORs vs: dOR*s
gold standard model withoutV 3
Presentation: IV. Confounding Assessment with Interaction 221