Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Confounding assessment when
interaction present (summary):

 Compare tables of ORs and CIs

 Subjective – debatable

 Safest decision – control for all
potential counfounders

V. The Evans County
Example Continued

If, overall, we decide thatyes, the asterisked
confidence intervals, which exclude V 3 , are
narrower than those for the gold standard
table, we would conclude that precision is
gained from excludingV 3 from the model. Oth-
erwise, if we decideno, then we conclude that
no meaningful precision is gained from
droppingV 3 , and so we retain this variable in
our final model.

Thus, we see that when there is interaction and
we want to assess both confounding and preci-
sion, we must compare tables of odds ratio
point estimates followed by tables of odds
ratio confidence intervals. Such comparisons
are quite subjective and, therefore, debatable
in practice. That is why the safest decision is to
control for all potential confounders even if
someVs are candidates to be dropped.

We now review the interaction and confound-
ing assessment recommendations by returning
to the Evans County Heart Disease Study data
that we have considered in the previous chap-

Recall that the study data involves 609 white
males followed for 9 years to determine CHD
status. The exposure variable is catecholamine
level (CAT), and theCvariables considered for
control are AGE, cholesterol (CHL), smoking
status (SMK), electrocardiogram abnormality
status (ECG), and hypertension status (HPT).
The variables AGE and CHL are treated contin-
uously, whereas SMK, ECG, and HPT are (0, 1)

Evans County Heart Disease Study

n¼609 white males
9-year follow-up

D¼CHD(0, 1)
E¼CAT(0, 1)

ð 0 ; 1 Þ

EXAMPLE (continued)

than CI?

gained from
excluding V 3

No precision gained
from excluding V 3

Ye s


Retain V 3

Exclude V 3

Presentation: V. The Evans County Example Continued 223
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