A summary of the printout for the model
remaining after interaction assessment is
shown here. In this model, the two interaction
terms are CH equals CATHPT and CC equals
CATCHL. The least significant of these two
terms is CH because the Wald statistic for this
term is given by the chi-square value of 9.86,
which is less significant than the chi-square
value of 23.20 for the CC term.
TheP-value for the CH term is 0.0017, so that
this term is significant at well below the 1%
level. Consequently, we cannot drop CH from
the model, so that all further models must con-
tain the two product terms CH and CC.
We are now ready to consider the confounding
assessment stage of the modeling strategy. The
first step in this stage is to identify all variables
remaining in the model after the interaction
stage. These are CAT, all fiveVvariables, and
the two product terms CATCHL and CAT
The reason why the model contains all fiveVsat
this point is that we have only completed inter-
action assessment and have not yet begun to
address confounding to evaluate which of the
Vs can be eliminated from the model.
The next step is to apply the hierarchy principle
to determine which V variables cannot be
eliminated from further models considered.
The hierarchy principle requires all lower order
components of significant product terms to
remain in all further models.
The two significant product terms in our model
are CATCHL and CATHPT. The lower
order components of CATCHL are CAT and
CHL. The lower order components of CAT
HPT are CAT and HPT.
EXAMPLE (continued)
Variable Coefficient S.E.
sq P
Intercept 4.0497 1.2550 10.41 0.0013
CAT 12.6894 3.1047 16.71 0.0000
AGE 0.0350 0.0161 4.69 0.0303
CHL 0.00545 0.0042 1.70 0.1923
Vs ECG 0.3671 0.3278 1.25 0.2627
SMK 0.7732 0.3273 5.58 0.0181
HPT 1.0466 0.3316 9.96 0.0016
CH 2.3318 0.7427 9.86 0.0017
CC 0.0692 0.3316 23.20 0.0000
CH = CAT × HPT and CC = CAT × CHL
remain in all further models
Confounding assessment:
Step 1. Variables in model:
All fiveVs still in model after
Hierarchy principle:
DetermineVs that cannot be
All lower order components of
significant product terms remain
CATCHL significant)CAT and CHL
CATHPT significant)CAT and HPT
Presentation: V. The Evans County Example Continued 225