Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
In scanning the above table, it is seen for each
coefficient separately (that is, by looking at the
values in a given column) that the estimated
values change somewhat as different subsets of
AGE, SMK, and ECG are dropped. However,
there does not appear to be a radical change in
any coefficient.

Nevertheless, it is not clear whether there is
sufficient change in any coefficient to indicate
meaningful differences in odds ratio values.
Assessing the effect of a change in coefficients
on odds ratio values is difficult because the
coefficients are on the log odds ratio scale. It
is more appropriate to make our assessment of
confounding using odds ratio values rather
than log odds ratio values.

To obtain numerical values for the odds ratio for
a given model, we must specify values of the
effect modifiers in the odds ratio expression. Dif-
ferent specifications will lead to different odds
a summary table or graph that describes the
different odds ratio values that are calculated.

To compare the odds ratios for two different
models, say the gold standard model with the
model that deletes one or more eligibleVvari-
ables, we must compare corresponding odds
ratio tables or graphs.

As an illustration using the Evans County data,
we compare odds ratio values computed from
the gold standard model with values computed
from the model that deletes the three eligible
variables AGE, SMK, and ECG.

The table shown here gives odds ratio values
for the gold standard model, which contains all
fiveVvariables, the exposure variable CAT, and
the two interaction terms CATCHL and CAT
HPT. In this table, we have specified three
different row values for CHL, namely, 200, 220,
and 240, and two column values for HPT,
namely, 0 and 1. For each combination of
CHL and HPT values, we thus get a different
odds ratio.

EXAMPLE (continued)

Coefficients change somewhat. No
radical change

Meaningful differences inOR?d
 Coefficients on log odds ratio scale
 More appropriate: odds ratio scale

OR = exp(b + d 1 CHL + d 2 HPT)

Specify values of effect modifiers
Obtain summary table of ORs

gold standard vs. other models
using (withoutVs)
odds ratio tables or graphs

Evans County example:
Gold standard
Model without AGE, SMK, and ECG

Gold standardOR:d
dOR¼expð 12 : 6894 þ 0 : 0692 CHL
 2 : 3318 HPTÞ

HTP = 0
CHL = 200
CHL = 220
CHL = 240

CHL = 200, HPT = 0 ⇒ OR = 3.16

HTP = 1

OR = 3.16 OR = 0.31

OR = 1.22

OR = 4.89

OR = 12.61

OR = 50.33

CHL = 220, HPT = 1 ⇒ OR = 1.22

Presentation: V. The Evans County Example Continued 227
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