the end of the interaction stage? Which of theVvari-
ables in the model cannot be deleted from any further
models considered? Explain briefly your answer to the
latter question.
- Based on the scenario described in Question 3 (i.e., the
only significant interaction term is SMKNS), what is
the expression for the odds ratio that describes the
effect of SMK on cervical cancer status at the end of
the interaction assessment stage?
- Based again on the scenario described in Question 3,
what is the expression for the odds ratio that describes
the effect of SMK on cervical cancer status if the vari-
able NSAS is dropped from the model that remains
at the end of the interaction assessment stage?
- Based again on the scenario described in Question 3,
how would you assess whether the variable NSAS
should be retained in the model? (In answering this
question, consider both confounding and precision
- Suppose the variable NSAS is dropped from the
model based on the scenario described in Question 3.
Describe how you would assess confounding and preci-
sion for any other V terms still eligible to be deleted
from the model after interaction assessment.
- Suppose the final model obtained from the cervical
cancer study data is given by the following printout
Variable b S.E. Chi sq P
SMK 1.9381 0.4312 20.20 0.0000
NS 1.4963 0.4372 11.71 0.0006
AS 0.6811 0.3473 3.85 0.0499
SMKNS 1.1128 0.5997 3.44 0.0635
Describe briefly how you would use the above informa-
tion to summarize the results of your study. (In your
answer, you need only describe the information to be
used rather than actually calculate numerical results.)
Answers to Practice Exercises
Practice Exercises
- A “chunk” test for overall significance of interaction
terms can be carried out using a likelihood ratio test
that compares the initial (full) model with a reduced
model under the null hypothesis of no interaction
terms. The likelihood ratio test will be a chi-square
test with two degrees of freedom (because two inter-
action terms are being tested simultaneously).
Answers to Practice Exercises 237