Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Our example assumes:

 AGE and GENDER risk factors
 AGE and GENDER potential
effect modifiers of interest
 Interaction of PREVHOSP and
PAMU also of interest

No interaction model:
Logit PðXÞ¼aþðb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 Þ
þðg 1 V 1 þg 2 V 2 Þ

Distinction between oneEand sev-

SingleE: Only one type of


Two types of interaction,EiWjs
Potentially omitEs from final

General form: EVW model for

Logit PðXÞ¼aþ~


i¼ 1


p 1

j¼ 1




i¼ 1


p 2

k¼ 1




i¼ 1



i^0 ¼ 1
i 6 ¼i^0

d*ii 0 EiEi^0

For our example, therefore, we have assumed
that AGE and GENDER are well-known risk
factors for MRSA, and that there is also interest
to assess whether each of these variables are
effect modifiers of either or both of the expo-
sure variables. We also assume that the inter-
action of the exposures with each other is of

If, on the other hand, we decided that interac-
tion of any kind was either not of interest or not
practically interpretable, our initial model
would omit such interaction terms. In such a
case, the initial model would still involve the
twoEs, but it would be a no interaction model,
as shown at the left.

The primary distinction between the modeling
strategy for a singleEvariable vs. severalEsis
that, in the latter situation, there are two types
of interactions to consider: interactions ofEs
withWs and interactions ofEs with otherEs.
Also, when there are severalEs, we may con-
sider omitting someEs (as nonsignificant) in
the final (“best”) model.

Although we will return to this example
shortly, we show here at the left the general
form of the EVW model when there are several
exposures. This model is written rather suc-
cinctly using summation signs, including dou-
ble summation signs when considering
interactions. Notice that in this general form,
there areqexposure variables,p 1 potential con-
founders, andp 2 potential effect modifiers.

246 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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