Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Alternative form (w/o summation

Logit P(X) = a^ +^ b 1 E 1 +^ b 2 E 2 + ... +^ bqEq

+ g 1 V 1 + g 2 V 2 + ... + gp 1 Vp 1



+ d 11 E 1 W 1 + d 12 E 1 W 2 + ... + d 1 ,p 2 E 1 Wp 2
+ d 21 E 2 W 1 + d 22 E 2 W 2 + ... + d 2 ,p 2 E 2 Wp 2

+ dq 1 EqW 1 + dq 2 EqW 2 + ... + dq,p 2 EqWp 2

+ ... EWs


+ d∗∗ 12 E 1 E 2 + d 13 E 1 E 3 + ... + d∗ 1 q E 1 Eq
+ d∗∗ 23 E 2 E 3 + d 24 E 2 E 4 + ... + d 2 ∗q E 2 Eq
+ ... + dq–∗ 1 ,q Eq– 1 Eq

MRSA example:
Logit P(X) = a + b 1 E 1 + b 2 E 2

+ d 11 E 1 W 1 + d 12 E 1 W 2 + d 21 E 2 W 1

+ d∗E 1 E 2

q= 2

+ g 1 V 1 + g 2 V 2 p 1 = 2

4 EWs

1 EE

+ d 22 E 2 W 2

Next step in modeling strategy?

Step 2: Assess interaction

Questions regardingEWs andEEs?

 Consider separately or

 If separately,EWsorEEs first?

Answer: It depends!
Several reasonable options.

This same model is alternatively written with-
out summation signs here and is divided into
four groups of predictor variables:

The first group lists theEvariables.

The second group lists theVvariables.
The third group lists theEWvariables, the first
line of which contains products ofE 1 with each
of theWjs, the second line contains products of
E 2 with each of theWjs, and so on, with the last
line of the group containing products ofEq
with each of theWjs.

Finally, the fourth group lists theEEvariables,
with the first line containing products ofE 1
with all otherEs, the second line containing
products of E 2 with all other Es exceptE 1 ,
and so on, with the last line containing the
single product termEq 1 Eq.

Returning to our initial model for the MRSA
data, there areq¼ 2 Evariables,

p 1 ¼ 2 Vvariables,

p 2 ¼ 2 Wvariables, which yields 4EWvariables,
and a singleEEvariable.

So, how do we proceed once we have identified
our initial model? Following our previous
strategy for one Evariable, we recommend
assessing interaction as the next step. But,
since there are two types of product terms,
EWs andEEs, should we consider these types
separately or simultaneously, and if separately,
do we first considerEWsorEEs?

The answer, not surprisingly, is it depends!
That is, there are several reasonable options.

Presentation: II. Modeling Strategy for Several Exposure Variables 247
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