Option A: Overall (chunk) LR test for
interaction; then “subchunk” LR tests
for EWs and EEs; then Vs; finally Es
MRSA example:
Overall chunk test:LRw^25 df
underH 0 :
d 11 ¼d 12 ¼d 21 ¼d 22 ¼d*¼ 0
Subchunk tests:
LRw^24 dfunderH 01 :
d 11 ¼d 12 ¼d 21 ¼d 22 ¼ 0
LRw^21 dfunderH 02 :d*¼ 0
Option B: Assess EWs first, then EEs, prior
to Vs and Es
Assess interaction (EWs andEEs)
prior to confounding and preci-
sion, andAssess EWs prior toEEs
Option C: Assess EWs first, then Vs, prior
to EEs and Es
Assess effect modification (Ws)
and confounding (Vs) before con-
sidering exposures (Es andEEs)
Initial Model Output:
2 2ln L¼275.683
Analysis of maximum likelihood estimates
Reduced Model A:
Logit PðXÞ¼aþðb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 Þ
þðg 1 V 1 þg 2 V 2 Þ
One Option (A) begins with a “chunk” LR test
that simultaneously evaluates all product
terms. We then test separate “subchunks”
involvingEWs andEEs, after which we assess
theVs for confounding and precision. Finally,
we consider dropping nonsignificantEs.
For the initial MRSA model, since there are five
product terms, the overall chunk test would
involve a chi square statistic with 5 degrees of
freedom. The two “subchunks” would involve
the 4EWterms and the singleEEterm, as we
illustrate on the left.
Alternatively, a second Option (B) differs from
OptionAby simply skippingthe overall chunk
test. Both Options A and B make sense if we
decide that assessing interaction should always
precede assessing confounding and precision,
and thatEWs should always be assessed prior to
As another Option (C), recall that when we
considered a model with only a singleE,we
left thisEin the model throughout the entire
process of evaluating interaction, confound-
ing, and then precision. An analogous
approach for severalEs is to evaluate effect
modifiers (Ws) and potential confounders (Vs)
before considering any terms involving Es,
including product terms (EEs).
We will apply Options A through C to the
MRSA data. First, we present, at the left, edited
results from fitting the initial model.
We now show the results from usingOptionA
for the reduced model (A) that eliminates all
five interaction terms from the initial model.
248 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues