Model A Output: 2 2ln L¼279.317
Analysis of maximum likelihood estimates
LR = –2 1n LR(A) – (–2 1n LF)
No–interaction model A
preferred to full
interaction model
= 279.317 – 275.683
= 3.634 (^) 5 df (P=0.6032)
Possibility: some product terms significant
- Carry out subchunk tests for
EWs andEEs
ðstart ofOption BÞ
Reduced Model B(w/oEWterms):
Logit PðXÞ¼aþðb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 Þ
þðg 1 V 1 þg 2 V 2 Þ
þdE 1 E 2
Model B Output: –2ln L=277.667
LR = –2ln LR(B) – (–2ln LF)
Reduced model B
preferred to full
interaction model
= 277.667 – 275.683
= 1.984 4 df (P=0.7387)
EEterm:E 1 E 2 (¼PRHPAM)
TestingH 0 :d¼0 in reduced modelB
Wald statistic¼1.089df¼ 1 (P¼0.2122)
LR statistic¼279.317277.667¼
1.650df¼ 1 (P¼0.1990)
No-interaction ModelA:
LogitP(X)¼aþ(b 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 )
þ(g 1 V 1 þg 2 V 2 )
preferred to interaction model
The LR statistic for the overall “chunk” test
that compares initial and reduced models
yields a chisquare statistic of 3.634 with 5 df,
which is highly nonsignificant. This suggests
that theno-interaction MRSA model A is prefer-
ableto the initial model containing five inter-
action terms.
Nevertheless, to consider the possibility that
some of the product terms are significant
despite the nonsignificant overall chunk test
results, we now carry out a test for the
“subchunk” ofEWs terms followed by another
test for the “subchunk” ofEEterms (of which
there is only one:E 1 E 2 ). We are now essentially
considering (the start of)OptionB.
Testing for theEW termsfirst, we present, at
the left, the reduced model (B) obtained by
eliminating the fourEWterms from the initial
model, thereby keeping the singleEEterm in
the model.
The resulting output for this model is shown here.
From the output, the LR statistic for the “sub-
chunk” test that compares the initial model with
reduced modelByields a chi-square statistic of
1.984 with 4 df, which is highly nonsignificant.
This suggests that thereduced model B(that
excludes all EW terms)is preferableto the initial
modeling containing five interaction terms.
Focusing onthe single EE term(E 1 E 2 )inthe
reduced modelB, we can see from the output
for this model that the Wald test forH 0 :d*¼ 0
is nonsignificant (P¼0.2122). The correspon-
ding LR statistic (that compares modelAwith
modelB) is also nonsignificant (P¼0.1990).
The above interaction results usingOptionsA
andBindicate that the no-interaction modelA
shown at the left is preferable to a model
involving anyEWorEEterms.
Presentation: II. Modeling Strategy for Several Exposure Variables 249