Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
EXAMPLE (continued)
Options A and B(continued)
Cannot drop PREVHOSP or
Using Options A or B:

No -Interaction Model A is best model
Logit P(X) = a + b 1 E 1 + b 2 E 2 + g 1 V 1 + g 2 V 2


X*¼ðE 1 *¼ 1 ;

E 2 *¼ 1 Þ
vs:X¼ðE 1 ¼ 0 ;

E 2 ¼no 0 Þ

ORmodel A¼exp½b 1 ð 1  0 Þ
þb 2 ð 1  0 ފ
¼exp½b 1 þb 2 Š

OR = exp[b 1 + b 2 ]
= exp[1.4855 + 1.7819] = 26.2415

95% CI: (11.5512, 59.6146)

Conclusion fromOptions AandB:
Very strong (but highly variable)
combined effect of PREVHOSP and

ORE 1 E 2 ,V 1 ,V 2 =exp[b 1 ] =exp[1.4855]

95% CIE 1 E 2 ,V 1 ,V 2 = [2.2004, 9.734]


ORE 2 E 1 ,V 1 ,V 2 =exp[b 2 ] =exp[1.7819]

95% CIE 2 E 1 ,V 1 ,V 2 =[2.873, 12.285]


Options A or B: Additional
have moderately strong and
significant individual effects.

Thus, based on these Wald statistics, we cannot
drop either variable from the model (and simi-
lar conclusions from LR tests).

Consequently, usingOptionsAorB,ourbest
modelis the (reduced) no-interaction model A,
which we have called the Gold Standard

For this model, then, the OR that compares a
subjectX*who is positive (i.e., yes) for bothEs
with a subjectXwho is negative (i.e., no) for
bothEs simplifies to the exponential formula
shown at the left.

Below this formula, at the left, we show the
estimated OR and a 95% confidence interval
around this odds ratio.

These results show that there is a very strong
and significant (but highly variable) effect
when comparing MRSA models withX*andX.

Alternatively, we might wish to compute the
odds ratios for the effects of eachEvariable,
separately, controlling for the otherEand the
twoVvariables. The results are shown at the
left and can also be obtained using the output
for reduced modelAshown earlier.

From these results, we can conclude from
usingOptionsAorBthat both PREVHOSP
and PAMU have moderately strong and signifi-
cant individual effects (ORs of 4.417 and 5.941,
respectively) when controlling for the other
three variables in the final model, i.e., no-inter-
action modelA.

252 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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