Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

EXAMPLE (continued)

Option A: Overall (chunk) interaction,
then, in order.EWs,EEs,
Vs, andEs

Option B: AssessEWs first, then, in
orderEEs,Vs, andEs

Option C: AssessEWs first, then,
in order,Vs, EEs,and

Reduced Model B(w/oEWterms):

Logit PðXÞ¼aþðb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 Þ
þðg 1 V 1 þg 2 V 2 Þ
þd*E 1 E 2

Note: Reduced modelBpreferred to
full interaction model

Model B Output: –21n L =277.667


DF Estimate Std Err ChiSq Pr > ChiSq



DoesOR meaningfully changed
when AGE and/or GENDER are

GS model: reduced modelBabove

ORGSðBÞ¼exp½b 1 ðE 1 *E 1 Þ
þb 2 ðE 2 *E 2 Þ
þd*ðE 1 *E 2 *E 1 E 2 ފ;

whereX¼(E 1 ,E 2 *) andX¼(E 1 ,E 2 )
are two specifications of the twoEs

Recall that both OptionsA and Bassessed
interaction ofEWs andEEs before considering
confounding and precision, where OptionA
used an overall (chunk) test for interaction
andOptionBdid not. We are now ready to
considerOptionC, which assesses interactions
involvingEWs first, then confounding and pre-
cision (i.e., theVs), after whichEEs and finally
Es are evaluated.

Since all three Options, includingOptionC,
assessEWs beforeEEs,Vs, andEs, we have
already determined the results for theEWs.
That is, we can drop all theEWs, which yields
reduced modelB, as shown again at the left.

The corresponding (edited) output for modelB
is shown again here. This model retains theEE
product term PRHPAM (¼E 1 E 2 ), which using
OptionC, will not be considered for exclusion
until we address confounding for AGE and
GENDER (i.e., theVs).

To assess confounding, we need to determine
whether the estimated OR meaningfully changes
(e.g., by more than 10%) when either AGE or
GENDER or both are dropped from the model.
Here, the gold standard (GS) model is the
reduced modelB, which contains theE 1 E 2 term.

The formula for the odds ratio for the GS
model is shown at the left, where (E 1 *,E 2 *)
and (E 1 ,E 2 ) denote two specifications of the
two exposures PREVHOSP (i.e.,E 1 ) and PAMU
(i.e., E 2 ). This formula contains three para-
meters:b 1 ,b 2 , andd*.

Presentation: II. Modeling Strategy for Several Exposure Variables 253
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