EXAMPLE (continued)
Option C(continued)
Must specifyX*andX:
X*¼ðE 1 *¼ 1 ;
E 2 *¼yes 1 Þ
vs:X¼ðE 1 ¼ 0 ;
E 2 ¼ 0
ORGSðBÞ¼exp½b 1 ð 1 0 Þþb 2 ð 1 0 Þ
þ^d*ð½ 1 1 ½ 0 0 Þ
¼exp½b 1 þb 2 þd*
Table of ORs (check confounding)
Vs in model
AGE GEN Neither
Model choices:
I*.Logit PI*(X)¼aþb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2
þg 1 V 1 þg 2 V 2
þd*E 1 E 2
II*. Logit PII*(X)¼aþb 1 E 1
þb 2 E 2
þg 1 V 1
þd*E 1 E 2
III*. Logit PIII*(X)¼aþb 1 E 1
þb 2 E 2
þg 2 V 2
þd*E 1 E 2
IV*. Logit PIV*(X)¼aþb 1 E 1
þb 2 E 2
þd*E 1 E 2
OR formula (E 1 *¼1,E 2 *¼1) vs.
(E 1 ¼0,E 2 ¼0) for all four
OR¼exp½b 1 þb 2 þd*
However,^b 1 ;^b 2 , and^d*likely differ for
each model
As previously noted (forOptionA), there are
several ways to specifyX*andX. Here, again,
we will choose to compare a subjectX*who is
positive (i.e., yes) for bothEs with a subjectX
who is negative (i.e., no) for bothEs.
Based on the above choices, the OR formula
for our GS reduced model Bsimplifies, as
shown here.
To assess confounding, we must once again
(as withOptionA) consider a table ofdORs, as
shown at the left.
To complete the above table, we need to fit the
four models shown at the left. The first model
(I*), which we have already described, is the
Gold Standard (GS(B)) model containing
PRHPAM. The other three models exclude
GENDER, AGE, or both from the model.
Since all four models involve the same twoE
variables, the general formula for the OR that
compares a subject who is exposed on bothEs
(E 1 *¼1, E 2 *¼1) vs. a subject who is not
exposed on bothEs(E 1 ¼0,E 2 ¼0) has the
same algebraic form for each model, including
theGS(B) model.
However, since, the models do not all have the
same predictors, the estimates of the regres-
sion coefficients are likely to differ somewhat.
254 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues