EXAMPLE (continued)
Option C(continued)
Suppose decide only GS(B)
control confounding
Model at this point contains
E 1 , E 2 , V 1 , V 2 and E 1 E2,
can’t drop
have not yet
Next step: testE 1 E 2 :
Waldw^2 ðreduced modelBÞ
¼ 1 : 5562 ;P¼ 0 : 2122 ðn:s:Þ
LR¼ 2 ln LmodelA 2 ln LmodelBÞ
¼ 279 : 317 277 : 667 ¼ 1 : 650 w^21 df
ðP¼ 0 : 1989 Þ
No-interaction ModelA:
Logit PðXÞ¼aþðb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 Þþðg 1 V 1
þg 2 V 2 Þ;
whereV 1 ¼C 1 ¼AGE,
V 2 ¼C 2 ¼GENDER
Recall:Options A and B)
ModelAis best
Option C:onlyGSmodel controls
ModelAis best
Alternative decision about
confounding forOption C
2 candidate models control
Model I*:GS(B)
Model III*: (AGE dropped)
How to decide between models?
Suppose we decide that only theGSmodel
controls for confounding. Then, we cannot
drop either AGE or GENDER from the model.
We therefore have decided that bothVs need to
stay in the model, but we have not yet
addressed theEs in the model.
For the next step, we would test whether the
E 1 E 2 product term is significant.
From our output for reduced modelBgiven
previously, we find that the Wald test for the
PRHPAM term (i.e.,E 1 E 2 ) is not significant
(P¼0.2122). The corresponding LR test is
obtained by comparing2lnL statistics for
reduced modelsAandB, yielding a LR statistic
of 1.650, also nonsignificant.
We can now reduce our model further by
dropping theE 1 E 2 term, which yields the no-
interaction modelA, shown at the left.
Recall that ModelAwas chosen as the best
model usingOptionsAandB. Consequently,
using Option C, if we decide that the only
model that controls confounding is theGS(B)
model (I* above), then our best model for
OptionCis also ModelA.
The above conclusion (i.e., ModelAis best),
nevertheless, resulted from the decision that
only theGS(B)model controlled for confound-
ing. However, we alternatively allowed for two
candidate models, theGS(B)model (I*) and
model III*, which dropped AGE from the
model, to control for confounding.
If we decide to consider model III* in addition
to theGS(B)model, how do we decide between
these two models? The answer, according to
the modeling strategy described in Chap. 7, is
to considerprecision.
256 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues