Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
EXAMPLE (continued)
Option C(continued)

Model III* Output
Analysis of maximum likelihood estimates
Param DF Estimate

Err ChiSq Pr>ChiSq
Intercept 1 2.6264 0.4209 38.9414 <.0001
PREVHOSP 1 1.2851 0.5107 6.3313 0.0119
PAMU 1 0.8002 0.7317 1.1960 0.2741
GENDER 1 0.4633 0.3066 2.2835 0.1308
PRHPAM 1 0.9374 0.8432 1.2358

Model C:
Logit PðXÞ¼aþðb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 Þþg 2 V 2

Can we dropE 1 orE 2 from Model C?

Model C Output

Cannot drop either E 1 or E 2

Option C conclusion:
Model C is best model
X*¼ðE 1 *¼ 1 ;E 2 *¼ 1 Þvs:
X¼ðE 1 ¼ 0 ;E 2 ¼ 0 Þ
ORModel C¼exp½b 1 þb 2 Š

ORModel C = exp[b 1 +b 2 ]
= exp[1.6627+1.4973]

95% CI: (10.7737, 51.5684)

= 23.5708

For the next step, we would test whether the
E 1 E 2 product term is significant. Using the
output for Model III* (shown at the left), we
find that the Wald test for the PRHPAM term
(i.e.,E 1 E 2 ) is not significant (P¼0.2663). The
corresponding LR test is also not significant.

We can now reduce our model further by
dropping the E 1 E 2 term, which yields the
reduced Model C, shown at the left.

The only other variables that we might con-
sider dropping at this point are E 1 or E 2 ,
provided one of these is not significant,
controlling for the other.

However, on inspection of the output for
this model, shown at the left, we find that the
Wald statistic for E 1 is highly significant
(P<0.0001), as is the Wald statistic for E 2
(P<0.0001). Thus, based on these Wald statis-
tics, we cannot drop eitherEvariable from the
model (and similar conclusions from LR tests).

Consequently, if we decide to useOptionC, and
we allow Models I* and Models III* to be can-
didate models that control for confounding,
then ourbest modelis given by ModelC.To
make this choice, we considered precision as
well as significance of the E in the model.

For this model, then, the OR that compares a
subjectX*who is positive (i.e., yes) for bothEs
with a subjectXwho is negative (i.e., no) for
bothEs simplifies to the exp formula shown at
the left.

Below this formula, we show the estimated OR
and a 95% confidence interval around this
odds ratio, which indicates a very strong and
significant (but highly variable) effect.

258 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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