EXAMPLE (continued)
Best Model Summary: Options A,
B, C
Options A and B (same result):
ModelA: contains PREVHOSP,
Option C:
ModelC: contains PREVHOSP,
PAMU, and
Model A Output (Best: Options A
and B)
Analysis of maximum likelihood estimates
Param DF Estimate Std Err ChiSq Pr>ChiSq
Intercept 1 5.0583 0.7643 43.8059 <.0001
PREVHOSP 1 1.4855 0.4032 13.5745 0.0002
PAMU 1 1.7819 0.3707 23.1113 <.0001
AGE 1 0.0353 0.0092 14.7004 0.0001
GENDER 1 0.9329 0.3418 7.4513 0.0063
Model C Output (Best: Option C)
Analysis of maximum likelihood estimates
Param DF Estimate Std Err ChiSq Pr>ChiSq
Intercept 1 2.7924 0.4123 45.8793 <.0001
PREVHOSP 1 1.6627 0.3908 18.1010 <.0001
PAMU 1 1.4973 0.3462 18.7090 <.0001
GENDER 1 0.4335 0.3030 2.4066 0.1525
Modelexp[b 1 ] exp[b 2 ] exp[b 1 +^ b 2 ]
A 4.417 5.941 26.242
C 5.274 4.470 23.571
MRSA example:OptionsA,B,andC
Similar, slightly different numerical
In general: No guarantee for
same conclusions
General form of Initial Model
Logit PðXÞ¼aþ~
i¼ 1
p 1
j¼ 1
i¼ 1
p 2
k¼ 1
i¼ 1
i^0 ¼ 1
i 6 ¼i^0
d*ii 0 EiEi 0
Summarizing the results we have obtained
from the above analyses on the MRSA data,
we have foundtwodifferent final choices for
the best model shown at the left depending on
three approaches to our modeling strategy,
OptionsAandB(same result) andOptionC.
The outputs for the two “best” models are
shown here.
Both models are no-interaction models, and
they both contain the main effects of two highly
significantEvariables, PREVHOSP and PAMU.
The estimated coefficients of PREVHOSP and
PAMU differ somewhat for each model. The
estimate for PREVHOSP is 1.4855 for ModelA
whereas it is 1.6627 for ModelC. The estimate
for PAMU is 1.7819 for ModelAcompared with
1.4973 for ModelC.
OR estimates from each model are shown in
the table at the left. Both models show moder-
ately strong effects for eachEvariable and a
very strong effect whencomparingX*¼(E 1 ¼1,
E 2 ¼1) with X¼(E 1 ¼0, E 2 ¼0). How-
ever, the effect of PREVHOSP is 16%lowerin
Model A than in ModelC, whereas the effect of
PAMU 25%higherin ModelAthan in ModelC.
We see, therefore, that for our MRSA example,
modeling strategy OptionsA, B, and Cgive
similar, but slightly different conclusions
involving twoEvariables.
In general, as shown by this example, there is
no guarantee that these three options will
always yield the same conclusions. Therefore,
the researcher may have to decide which
option he/she prefers and/or which conclusion
makes the most (biologic) sense.
In summary, we recommend that the initial model
has the general form shown at the left. This model
involvesEs,Vs,EWs, andEEs, so there are two
types of interaction terms to consider.
Presentation: II. Modeling Strategy for Several Exposure Variables 259