Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Modeling Strategy Summary: Several Es
Step 1: Define initial model (above formula)
Step 2: Assess interaction
Option A: Overall chunk test + Options B or C
Option B: Test EWs, then EEs
Option C: Test EWs, but assess Vs before EEs

Step 4: Test for nonsignificant Es if not

Step 3: Assess confounding and precision (Vs)
Option A and B (cont’d):
Vs after EWs and EEs
Option (cont’d):
Vs after EWs, but prior to EEs

components of significant EEs

Special Cases: SeveralEs

(a) AllVs are controlled as main
i.e., confounding and
precision forVs not
Modeling Strategy: All Vs controlled
Step 1: Define initial model (above formula)
Step 2: Assess Interaction
Option A: Overall chunk test + Options B
Option B: Test EWs, then EEs
Step 4: Test for nonsignif Es if not components
of significant EEs

MRSA Initial Model, Special case(a)

Logit PðXÞ¼aþðb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 Þ
þðg 1 V 1 þg 2 V 2 Þ
þðd 11 E 1 W 1 þd 12 E 1 W 2
þd 21 E 2 W 1 þd 22 E 2 W 2 Þ
þd*E 1 E 2

ModelA: Final Model
Logit PðXÞ¼aþðb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 Þþðg 1 V 1
þg 2 V 2 Þ

(b) The model contains onlyEs
andEEs, but noCs
(i.e., noVsorWs)
“Hypothesis Generating”

We then recommend assessing interaction, first
by deciding whether to do an overall chunk test,
then testing for theEWs, after which a choice
has to be made as to whether to test for theEE
terms prior to or subsequent to assessing con-
founding and precision (involving theVs).

The resulting model can then be further
assessed to see whether any of theEterms in
the model can be dropped as nonsignificant.

There are two special cases that we now

What if you decide to control for allVsas
main effects(without assessing confounding
and/or precision)?

In this case (a), we only need to consider
Options A and B, so that Step 3 of our previ-
ously described strategy can be omitted.

For example, using the MRSA data, the initial
model, shown again at the left contains twoEs,
twoVs, 4EWs and oneEEterm.

When previously applying Options A and B to
this model, we dropped all interaction terms,
resulting in reduced model A shown at the left.
If we decide in advance to control for bothVs,
then this is our final model, since bothEs were
significant in this model.

As a second special case,what if our model con-
tains only Es,so there are no Cs to control?This
case is often referred to as a “hypothesis gener-
ating” model, since we are essentially assuming
that we have limited knowledge on all possible
predictors and that no risk factors have been

260 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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