Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
EXAMPLE (continued)
Diagram 2)PREVHOSP and PAMU
independent risk factors;

Diagram 2 appropriate)initial
model containing both
E 1 andE 2 is justified

Diagram 1 appropriate)initial
model should not
contain both

i.e., PAMU intervening variable

Logit PðXÞ¼

aþb 1 E 1 þg 1 V 1 þg 2 V 2
þd 11 E 1 V 1 þd 12 E 1 V 2

The moral: Causal diagram can
influence choice of initial model

Diagram 2 indicates that PREVHOSP and
PAMU are independent risk factors for MRSA
outcome, and that AGE and GENDER are con-
founders of both PREVHOSP and PAMU.

The initial model that we considered in our
analysis of the MRSA data, containing both
PREVHOSP and PAMU in the model asEvari-
ables, can be justified if we decide that Dia-
gram 2 is a correct representation of the
causal pathways involved.

In contrast, if we decide that Diagram 1 is more
appropriate than Diagram 2, we should not put
both PREVHOSP and PAMU in the same
model to assess their joint or separate effects.

In other words, if PAMU is an intervening vari-
able, we should consider a model involving
only oneEvariable, preferably PREVHOSP.
An example of such a model, which controls
for AGE and GENDER and allows for interac-
tion effects, is shown at the left.

Thus, as mentioned previously in Chap. 6, the
choice of the initial model can be influenced
by the causal diagram considered most appro-
priate for one’s data.

262 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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