Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


Q1. Yes:

 Statistical testing only
 Does not consider
confounding or

Assess confounding withD(0,1),
E(0,1), oneC:

Logit PðXÞ¼aþbE;

where P(X)¼Pr(D¼1|E)

Logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþgC;

where P*(X)¼Pr(D¼1|E,C)


ORDE=eb ¹ ORDE C =eb

Confounding: meaningfully different

Assess interaction with D(0,1),
E(0,1), oneC:

Logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþgCþdEC;

where P(X)¼Pr(D¼1|E,C,EC)

H 0 :d¼ 0

Wald¼ ^d=s^d


w^21 dfunderH 0

LR¼2lnLR(2lnLF)w^2 1df
underH 0

Q1. Is there anything that can be criticized
about Method 0?
Yes, Method 0 involves statistical testing only;
it does not consider confounding or effect
modification (interaction) when assessing
variables one-at-a-time.

To assess confounding involving binary dis-
easeD, binary exposureE, and a single poten-
tial confounder C, you need to fit two
regression models (shown at left), one of
which contains E and C, and the other of
which contains onlyE.

Confounding is present if we conclude that
corresponding odds ratio estimates are mean-
ingfully different for the two models.

To assess interaction involving binary disease
D, binary exposureE, and a single potential
confounderC, we need to fit the following
logistic regression model shown at the left
that contains the main effects ofEandCand
the product termEC.

Interaction is then assessed by testing the null
hypothesis that the coefficient (d) of the prod-
uct term is zero using either a Wald test or a
likelihood ratio test (preferred), where the test
statistic is chi square with 1 df underH 0.

266 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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