Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

IV. Collinearity

Can someXs be predicted by other

IfXs are “strongly” related, then



model may not run











Collinearity may involve more than
Simple approach:rXi;Xjnotsufficient

IfX 3 X 1 X2,
could not detect this from
rX3,X 1 , rX3,X 2 ,orrX1,X 2.

Collinearityconcerns the extent to which one or
more of the predictor variables (theXs) in one’s
model can be predicted from otherXs in the

If there are very strong relationships among
some of the Xs, then the fitted model may
yield unreliable regression coefficients for
some predictors. In other words, coefficients
may have high estimated variances, or perhaps
the model may not even run. When this occurs,
we say that the model has acollinearity problem.

Because collinearity problems may involve
relationships among more than twoXs, it is
not sufficient to diagnose collinearity by
simply looking at correlations among pairs of

For example, ifX3 was approximately equal to
the difference betweenX1 andX2, this relation-
ship could not be detected simply by looking at
correlations betweenX3 andX1,X3 andX2, or
X1 andX2.

EXAMPLE (continued)
Scenarios ii and iv “legitimate”

Scenarios i and iii incorrectly use
significance tests to screen

Scenario iii questionably uses BW
elimination onCs before assessing

Summary about Method 0:

  1. Does not assess confounding or
    interaction for individualCi.

  2. Makes most sense if model only

The answer to the above question is that sce-
narios ii and iv represent “legitimate” methods
of screening because both scenarios do not
involve using a significance test of a crude
effect betweenCiandD. Scenario iii differs
fromiin that backward elimination is (ques-
tionably) performed on theCs before interac-
tion is assessed.

Summarizing our main points about Method 0:

  1. Method 0 does not consider confounding
    and/or interaction for predictors treated

  2. Method 0 makes most sense when the
    model only involvesEs, but is questionable
    with bothEs andCs being considered.

270 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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