Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
EXAMPLE (continued)

b 0
b 1
b 2
b 3
b 4
b 5
b 6
b 7

  1. Largest CNI “large”
    (e.g., >30)

  2. At least two VDPs “large”
    (e.g., ≥ 0.5)


b 0
b 1
b 2
b 3
b 4
b 5
b 6
b 7

Diagnosing collinearity conceptually
Computer software for nonlinear

Collinearity objective:

 Determine if fitted model is
 Determine whether Varð^bjÞis
“large enough”

Estimated Variance – Covariance Matrix

b 3 )

= ˆ


Var(bˆ 2 )

Var(bˆ 1 )

Var(bˆ 3 )

= I–1^ for nonlinear models



One popular way to diagnose collinearity uses
a computer program or macro that produces a
table (example shown at left) containing two
kinds of information,condition indices(CNIs)
andvariance decomposition proportions(VDPs).
(See Kleinbaum et al., Applied Regression and
Other Multivariable Methods, 4th Edition,
Chap. 14, 2008 for mathematical details about
CNIs and VDPs)

Using such a table, a collinearity problem is
diagnosed if the largest of the CNIs is consid-
ered large (e.g.,>30) and at least two of the
VDPs are large (e.g.,0.5).

The diagnostic table we have illustrated indi-
cates that there is at least one collinearity prob-
lem that involves the variablesE,C 3 andEC 3
because thelargest CNI exceeds 30and two of
theVDPs are as large as 0.5.

We now describe briefly how collinearity is
diagnosed conceptually, and how this relates
to available computer software for nonlinear
models such as the logistic regression model.

The objective of collinearity diagnostics is to
determine whether (linear) relationships
among the predictor variables result in a fitted
model that is “unreliable.” This essentially
translates to determining whether one or more
of the estimated variances (or corresponding
standard errors) of the b^j become “large
enough” to indicate unreliability.

The estimated variances are (diagonal) compo-
nents of the estimated variance–covariance
matrixðV^Þobtained for the fitted model. For non
linear models in which ML estimation is used,
theV^matrix is calledthe inverse of the informa-
tion matrix(I^21 ), and is derived by taking the
second derivatives of the likelihood function (L).

Presentation: IV. Collinearity 271
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