Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

VI. Multiple Testing

Modeling strategy)several
statistical tests
Potential for incorrect “overfitted”
model, i.e., “too many”significant
test results

“Too many”:

variable(s) found significant,
butH 0 true.

The multiple-testing problem:

Should we adjust for number
of significance tests and, if
so, how to adjust?

Statistical principle:

number of significance tests increases

Note: a = test-wise error rate


= Pr(reject H 0 i | H 0 )

= Pr(Reject at least one H 0 i | all H 0 i true)

Formula:a*¼ 1 ð 1 aÞT;

whereT¼number of independent
tests ofH 0 i,i¼1,...,T


T a*
a¼ 0 : 05 ) 1 0.05
5 0.23
10 0.40
20 0.64

The modeling strategy guidelines we have
described when one’s model contains either a
singleE(Chapters 6 and 7) or severalEs (ear-
lier in this chapter) all involve carrying out
statistical significance testing for interaction
terms as well as forE terms. Nevertheless,
performing several such tests on the same data-
set may yield an incorrect “overfitted” final
modelif “too many” test results are found to
be significant.

By “too many”, we mean that the null hypothe-
sis may actually be true for some significant
test results, so that some “significant” variables
(e.g., interaction terms) may remain in the
final model even though the corresponding
null hypotheses are true.

This raises the question as to whether or not we
should adjust our modeling strategy to account
for the number of statistical tests we perform
and, if so, how should we carry out such adjust-

A well-established statistical inference principle
is that the more statistical tests one performs,
the more likely at least one of them will reject its
null hypothesis even if all null hypotheses
are true. The parametera* shown at the left, is
often called thefamily-wise error rate(FWER),
whereas the significance levelafor an individ-
ual test is called thetest-wiseerror rate.

Mathematically, the above principle can be
expressed by the formula shown at the left.

For example, the table at the left shows that if
a¼0.05, andTranges from 1 to 5 to 10 to 20,
thena* increases from 0.05 atT¼1 to 0.64 at

280 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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