Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Model 3.Fully parameterized model

#of expected cases
¼#of observed cases for
each covariate pattern

Covariate patternXg:ngsubjects
Xg¼values ofXin group g

dg¼observed cases in group g
^PðXgÞ: predicted risk in group g

d^g¼ng^PðXgÞ: expected cases in
group g

X: EV Exp. Cases Obs. Cases
X 1 :11 d^ 1 ¼ 10 ð 0 : 6 Þ¼ 6 d 1 ¼ 6
X 2 :01 d^ 2 ¼ 10 ð 0 : 4 Þ¼ 4 d 2 ¼ 4
X 3 :10 d^ 3 ¼ 10 ð 0 : 3 Þ¼ 3 d 3 ¼ 3
X 4 :00 d^ 4 ¼ 10 ð 0 : 7 Þ¼ 7 d 4 ¼ 7

Model 3.

YiY^i 6 ¼ 0 for

Individuals: No


dgd^g¼ 0 for
all g (fully




Model 3 is “group-saturated”:
perfectly group outcomes

Two GOF approaches:
Compare fitted model to:

  1. Saturated model: Provides
    perfectindividual prediction

  2. Fully parameterized model:
    Provides perfectgroup
    prediction(based on
    covariate patterns)

However, we will show below that because
Model 3 is a fully parameterized model, it per-
fectly predicts the number of cases actually
observed for each covariate pattern. That is,
the expected number of cases for each pattern,
based on the fitted model, equals the observed
number of cases for each pattern.

More specifically, suppose ng subjects have
covariate pattern Xg, and dg denotes the
observed number of cases in group g. Then,
since dg has the binomial distribution, the
expected number of cases in group g is
d^g¼ng^PðXgÞ, where^PðXgÞis the predicted risk
for any subject in that group.

Thus, for Model 3, we expectd^ 1 ¼ 10 ð 0 : 6 Þ¼ 6
cases among subjects withE¼1 andV¼1,
d^ 2 ¼ 10 ð 0 : 4 Þ¼ 4 cases among subjects with
E¼0 and V¼1, and so on for the other
two covariate patterns. The corresponding
observed number of subjects are also shown at
the left. Notice that the corresponding observed
and expected cases are equal for Model 3.

So, even though Model 3 does not provide “per-
fect prediction” in terms of individual out-
comes, it does provide “perfect prediction” in
terms ofgroupoutcomes.

In other words, althoughYiY^i 6 ¼ 0 for all sub-
jects,dgd^g¼ 0 for all covariate patterns.

Another way of saying this is that Model 3 is
“group-saturated” in the sense that Model 3
perfectly predicts the group outcomes corres-
ponding to the distinct covariate patterns.

Thus, we see that an alternative gold standard
model for assessing GOF is a fully parameter-
ized (group-saturated) model containing the
covariates of interest rather than a (subject-
specific) saturated model that can rarely if
ever be achieved using these covariates.

310 9. Assessing Goodness of Fit for Logistic Regression

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