Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

# of parameters = # of groups

sample size = 4

Model 3: logit P(X)¼aþbEþgV
Model 4 (perfectly predicts 0 or 1
logit PðXÞ¼o 1 Z 1 þo 2 Z 2 þo 3 Z 3 þ
þo 40 Z 40

Subject-specific deviance formula:

DevSSðb^Þ¼ 2 ~


i¼ 1



þð 1 YiÞln
1 Yi
1 Y^i

Yi¼observed (0, 1) response for
Y^i¼predicted probability for the

DevSSðb^Þ 6 ¼DevETð^bÞunlessG¼n

DevSSðb^Þ> 0 sinceG<<n
for Model 3

Equivalent formula forDevSS(b^):
(from calculus and algebra)


¼ 2 ~


i¼ 1


1 P^ðXiÞ


þlnð 1 P^ðXiÞÞ

Consequently, Model 3 is “group-saturated” in
that the number of parameters in this model is
equal to the total number of groups being con-
sidered. That is, since the units of analysis are
the four groups, the sample size corresponding
to the alternative deviance formula is 4, rather
than 40.

So, then, how can we compare Model 3 to the
saturated model we previously defined (Model
4) that perfectly predicts each subject’s 0 or 1

This requires a second alternative formula for
the deviance, as shown at the left. Here,
the summation (i) covers all subjects, not all
groups, andYiandY^idenote the observed and
predicted response for theith subject rather
than the gth covariate pattern/group.

This alternative (subject-specific) formula is
not identical to the events–trials formula
given above unless G¼n. Moreover, since
G<<nfor Model 3, the SS deviance will be
nonzero for this model.

We now show how to compute the subject-
specific (SS) deviance formula for Model 3.
However, we first provide an equivalent SS
deviance formula that can be derived from
both algebra and some calculus (see this
chapter’s appendix for a proof).

Presentation: III. The Deviance Statistic 315
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