Edited Output (Model EC2):
(Variables – CAT, AGE, ECG, AGE×ECG, CAT×AGE,
0.0000 4 1.0000
0.0000 4
0.0000 4
- 2 Log L 417.226
2 0.12295 0.12295
4 0.15625 0.15625
5 .012500 0.12500
7 0.17647 0.17647
1 274 17 17.00 257 257.00
2 59 7 7.00 52 52.00
3 122 15 15.00 107 107.00
4 57 9 9.00 48 48.00
5 39 9 9.00 30 30.00
644.00 58 14 14.00 44
0.06205 0.06205
0.11864 0.11864
0.23079 0.23079
0.24138 0.24138
We now show edited ouput for the fully para-
meterized Model EC2.
As with Model EC1, Model EC2 has eight covar-
iate patterns, and onlyQ¼6 percentile groups
are obtained in the table of observed and
expected cases and noncases. However, since
Model EC2 is fully parameterized (kþ 1 ¼ 8 ¼
G), corresponding observed and expected cases
and noncases are identical throughout the table.
Consequently, the HL test statistic is zero, as
are both the Deviance and Pearson statistics.
The log likelihood statistic of 417.226 is equiv-
alent to the SS deviance (i.e., DevSSðb^Þ) for
Model EC2. Since this deviance value is differ-
ent from 0, we know that Model EC2 is not the
(SS) saturated model that perfectly predicts
the 0 or 1 outcome for each of the 609 subjects
in the dataset.
EXAMPLE (continued)
SinceG¼ 8 <<n¼ 609 ,
Pearson statistic and Dev statistic
approxw^2 underH 0
2 lnL^C;SS¼ 418 : 181
¼DevSSðb^Þfor Model EC1
DevET(βˆ) = 0.9544
= –2 ln LˆEC1,SS
–(–2 ln LˆEC2,SS)
Table of Probabilitiesðphatvs:pÞ
No perfect group prediction
e.g., group 3: phat¼0.09497
ThePearson statisticis another GOF statistic
that is similar to the Deviance in that it is not
recommended when the number of covariate
patterns is close to the sample size. However,
since the number of covariate patterns (G¼8)
for Model EC1 is much less than the sample
size (n¼609), both statistics can be assumed
to be approximately chi square under H 0.
Notice also that the Pearson and Deviance
values are very close to the HL value (0.9474).
The2 logLvalue (418.181) in the output is
the SS statistic 2 lnL^C;SS, where C is Model
EC1. This statistic is equivalent to DevSSðb^Þfor
Model EC1, sinceL^max;SSis always one.
The Deviance in the output (0.9544) is computed
using the DevETðb^Þformula based on the ET data
layout. This formula is also equivalent to the
difference between SS log-likelihood statistics
for Model EC1 (418.181) and the (fully parame-
terized) Model EC2 (417.226, in output below).
Also, from the table of probabilities (above left),
the observed and predicted probabilities are dif-
ferent, so Model EC1 does not provide perfect
group (i.e., covariate pattern) prediction.
322 9. Assessing Goodness of Fit for Logistic Regression