Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

VI. Risk Ratios vs. Odds




follow-up study


However, according to mathematical theory,
the value provided for the constant does not
really estimatea. In fact, this value estimates
some other parameter of no real interest. There-
fore, an investigator should be forewarned that,
even though the computer will print out a num-
ber corresponding to the constanta, the num-
ber will not be an appropriate estimate ofain
case-control or cross-sectional studies.

The use of an odds ratio estimate may still be of
some concern, particularly when the study is a
follow-up study. In follow-up studies, it is com-
monly preferred to estimate a risk ratio rather
than an odds ratio.

We previously illustrated that a risk ratio can
be estimated for follow-up data provided all the
independent variables in the fitted model are
specified. In the example, we showed that we
could estimate the risk ratio for CHD by com-
paring high catecholamine persons (that is,
those with CAT¼1) to low catecholamine per-
sons (those with CAT¼0), given that both per-
sons were 40 years old and had no previous
ECG abnormality. Here, we have specified
values for all the independent variables in our
model, namely, CAT, AGE, and ECG, for the
two types of persons we are comparing.

EXAMPLE (repeated)
Case-control Printout
Variable Coefficient
Constant  4 : 50 ¼^a
X 1 0 : 70 ¼^b 1
X 2 0 : 05 ¼^b 2
X 3 0 : 42 ¼^b 3
^anot a valid estimate ofa


Model ^PðXÞOR

Follow-up üüü

Case-control ü X ü

Cross-sectional ü X ü

We have described that the logistic model can
be applied to case-control and cross-sectional
data, even though it is intended for a follow-
up design. When using case-control or cross-
sectional data, however, a key limitation is
that you cannot estimate risks like^PðXÞ, even
though you can still obtain odds ratios. This
limitation is not extremely severe if the goal of
the study is to obtain a valid estimate of an
exposure–disease association in terms of an
odds ratio.


RRc¼^PðCHD¼^1 jCAT¼^1 ;AGE¼^40 ;ECG¼^0 Þ
^PðCHD¼ 1 jCAT¼ 0 ;AGE¼ 40 ;ECG¼ 0 Þ
1 þeðaþb^1 CATþb^2 AGEþb^3 ECGÞ

Presentation: VI. Risk Ratios vs. Odds Ratios 15
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