Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
F. Using DevETðb^Þto test for GOF:
i. WhenG<<n, can assume DevETðb^Þis
approximatelyw^2 np 1 underH 0 : good fit
ii. However, whenGn,cannotassume
DevETðb^Þis approximatelyw^2 np 1 under
H 0 : good fit
iii. Xicontinuous, e.g.,Xi¼AGE)Gn,
so cannot test for GOF
G. Why DevSSð^bÞcannot be used to test for GOF:
i. Alternative formula for

¼ 2 ~


i¼ 1

P^ðXiÞln P^ðXiÞ
1 ^PðXiÞ

þln 1 P^ðXiÞ


ii. The above formula contains only the
predictedvaluesP^ðXiÞfor each subject;
tells nothing about the agreement
betweenobserved(0, 1) outcomes and
their corresponding predicted

IV. The HL Statistic (pages 318–320)

A. Used to provide a significance test for
assessing GOF:
i. Avoids questionable use of the deviance
ii. Available in most computer procedures
for logistic regression
iii. Requires that the model considers at
least three covariate patterns, rarely
results in significance whenGis less
than 6, and works best whenGis close to
n, e.g., with continuous predictors
B. Steps for computation:

  1. ComputeP^ðXiÞfor allnsubjects

  2. OrderP^ðXiÞfrom largest to smallest

  3. Divide ordered values intoQpercentile
    groupings (usuallyQ¼10, i.e., deciles)

  4. Form table of observed and expected

  5. Calculate HL statistic from table

  6. Compare computed HLtow^2 withQ2df

Detailed Outline 331
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