Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Practice Exercises

Practice Exercises

The following questions and computer information con-
sider the Evans Country dataset on 609 white males that
has been previously discussed and illustrated in earlier
chapters of this text. Recall that the outcome variable is
CHD status (1¼case, 0¼noncase), the exposure variable
of interest is CAT status (1¼high CAT, 0¼low CAT). In
this example, we consider only two categorical control
variables AGEG (1¼age>55, 0¼age55) and ECG
(1¼abnormal, 0¼normal). The dataset involving the
above variables is given as follows:

Cases Total CAT AGE ECG
17 274 0 0 0
15 122 0 1 0
1 8100
14 58 1 1 1

The SAS output provided below was obtained for the fol-
lowing logistic model:

Logit PðXÞ¼aþb 1 CATþg 1 AGEþg 2 ECG

Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics

Criterion Value DF Value/DF Pr>ChiSq
Deviance 0.9544 4 0.2386 0.9166
Pearson 0.9793 4 0.2448 0.9129

Number of unique profiles: 8

Model Fit Statistics

Criterion Intercept Only Intercept and Covariates
2 Log L 438.558 418.181

Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

Parameter DF Estimate


Chi-Sq Pr>ChiSq
Intercept 1 2.6163 0.2123 151.8266 <.0001
cat 1 0.6223 0.3193 3.7978 0.0513
age 1 0.6157 0.2838 4.7050 0.0301
ecg 1 0.3620 0.2904 1.5539 0.2126

334 9. Assessing Goodness of Fit for Logistic Regression

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