Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


I. Overview

Assessing discriminatory
performance (DP) of a binary
logistic model


Good DP:model discriminates

casesðY¼ 1 ÞfromnoncasesðY¼ 0 Þ

Example: Blunt knee trauma)
Predictor variables:
ability to flex knee
ability to put weight
on knee
patient’s age
injury to knee head
injury to patella
Outcome variable:
knee fracture status

Approach 1
Use fitted model to predict which
subjects will be cases or non-
cases e.g.,
IfP^ðXÞ> 0 : 2 , predict subjXto be
ifP^ðXÞ 0 : 2 , predict subjXto be
noncase, wherecut-point¼0.2

Note: Rare outcome ) 0 : 2 ,or
even 0.02, high

Classification/Diagnostic Table
True (Observed) Outcome
Y¼1Y¼ 0

Predicted Y¼ 1 nTP¼ 70 20
Outcome Y¼ 030 nTN¼ 80
n 1 ¼ 100 n 0 ¼ 100
nTP¼#of trueþ,
nTN¼#of true,

This presentation describes how to assessdis-
criminatory performance(DP) of a binary logis-
tic model.

We say that a model providesgood DPif the
covariates in the model help to predict (i.e.,
discriminate) which subjects will develop the
outcome (Y¼1, or thecases) and which will
not develop the outcome (Y¼0, or thenon-

For example, we may wish to determine
whether or not a subject with blunt knee
trauma should be sent for an X ray based on a
physical exam that measures ability to flex
knee, ability to put weight on knee, injury to
knee head, injury to patella, and age. The out-
come here is whether or not the person has a
knee fracture.

One way to measure DPinvolves using the
fitted model to decide how to predict which
subjects will be cases and which will be non-
cases. For example, one may decide that if the
predicted probability for subjectX(i.e.,^PðXÞ)
is greater than 0.2, we will predict that subject
Xwill be a case, whereas otherwise, a noncase.
The value of 0.2 used here is called acut-point.
Note that for a very rare health outcome, a
predicted probability of 0.2, or even 0.02,
could be considered a high “risk.”

The observed and predicted outcomes are com-
bined into aclassification or diagnostic table,an
example of which is shown at the left, In this
table, we focus on two quantities: the number
of true cases (i.e., we are assuming that the
observed cases are the true cases) that are pre-
dicted to be cases (true positives or TP), and the
number of true noncases that are predicted to
be noncases (true negatives or TN).

348 10. Assessing Discriminatory Performance of a Binary Logistic Model

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