Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Why does the area under the ROC measure
discriminatory performance(DP)? We discuss
this question and other characteristics of ROC
curves inSection IIIof this chapter.

In the previous section, we illustrated how a
cut-pointcould be used with a fitted logistic
model to assign a subject X based on the
predicted valueP^ðXÞto be a “predicted” case
or noncase.

Denoting the general cut-point ascp, we typi-
cally predict a subject to be a case ifP^ðXÞ
exceedscp vs. a noncase ifP^ðXÞdoesn not

Given a cut-pointcp, the observed and pre-
dicted outcomes can then be combined into a
classification (diagnostic) table, the general
form of which is shown here. The cell frequen-
cies within this table give the number oftrue
positives(nTP) andfalse negatives(nFN) out of
the number oftrue cases(n 1 ), and the number
offalse positives(nFP) andtrue negatives(nTN)
out of the number of true noncases (n 0 ).

From the classification table, we can compute
thesensitivity(Se)and thespecificity(Sp).

Ideally, perfect discrimination would occur if
both sensitivity and specificity are equal to 1,
which would occur if there were no false nega-
tives (nFN¼0) and no false positives (nFP¼0).

Why does area under ROC measure
DP? See Section III.

II. Assessing
Performance Using
Sensitivity and
Specificity Parameters

Cut-point can be used withP^ðXÞto
predict whether subject is case or

IfP^ðXÞ>cp, predict subjXto be
If^PðXÞcp, predict subjXto be

Table 10.1
General Classification/Diagnostic
True (Observed) Outcome
cp Y¼ 1

Y¼ 0
Predicted Y¼ 1 nTP nFP
Outcome Y¼ 0 nFN nTN
n 1 n 0

Se¼Prðtrue positivejtrue caseÞ
¼nTP=n 1
Sp ¼Prðtrue negativejtrue noncaseÞ
¼nTN=n 0

Perfect Discrimination (Se¼Sp¼1)
True (Observed) Outcome
cp Y¼ 1 Y¼ 0
Predicted Y¼ 1 nTP 0
Outcome Y¼ 00 nTN
n 1 n 0

350 10. Assessing Discriminatory Performance of a Binary Logistic Model

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