III. Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC)
Denotes cut-point
for classification
1.0 ROC Example
1 – Sp (= FPR)
Se (= TPR)
ROC history:
Developed by engineers in WW
II to detect enemy objects
(signal detection),
i.e.,P^ðXÞis a radar signal
Now used in medicine,
radiology, psychology,
machine learning, data mining
ROC provides answer to:
IfXtrue caseandXtrue noncaseare
covariate values for a randomly
chosen case/noncase pair,
P^ðXtrue caseÞ>P^ðXtrue noncaseÞ?
A Receiver Operating Curve (ROC)is a plot
ofsensitivity (Se) by 1 – specificity (1 – Sp)
values derived from several classification
tables corresponding to different cut-points
used to classify subjects into one of two-
groups, e.g., predicted cases and noncases of
a disease.
Equivalently, the ROC is a plot of thetrue posi-
tive rate(TPR¼Se)by the false positive rate
(FPR¼ 1 Sp).
As described in Wikipedia (a free Web-based
encyclopedia), “the ROC was first developed by
electrical engineers and radar engineers during
World War II for detecting enemy objects in
battle fields, also known as the signal detection
theory; in this situation, a signal represents the
predicted probability that a given object is an
enemy weapon.” ROC analysis is now widely
used in medicine, radiology, psychology and,
more recently in the areas of machine learning
and data mining.
When using an ROC derived from a logistic
model used to predict a binary outcome, the
ROC allows for an overall assessment of how
well the model predicts who will have the out-
come and who will not have the outcome.
Stated another way in the context of epidemio-
logic research, the ROC provides a measure of
how well the fitted model distinguishes true
cases (i.e., those observed to have the outcome)
from true noncases (i.e., those observed not to
have the outcome).
More specifically, an ROC provides an appro-
priate answer to the question we previously
asked when we compared classification tables
for two models: How often will a randomly
chosen (true) case have a higher probability
of being predicted to be a case than a randomly
chosen true noncase?
Presentation: III. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves 355