Recall that the previously shown output gave
Wald statistics for HEAD, AGECAT, and FLEX
that were nonsignificant. A backward elimina-
tion approach that begins by dropping the least
significant of these variables (i.e., HEAD), refit-
ting the model, and dropping additional non-
significant variables results in a model that
contains only two predictor variables, WEIGHT
and PATELLAR. (Note that we are treating all
predictor variables as exposure variables.)
The fitted logistic model that involves only
WEIGHT and PATELLAR is shown at the left.
We also show the discrimination measures
that result for this model, including the c
(¼AUC) statistic. Thecstatistic here is 0.731,
which is slightly smaller than thecstatistic of
0.745 obtained for the full model. The reduced
model has slightly less discriminatory power
than the full model. (See Hanley (1983) for a
statistical test of significance between two or
more AUCs.)
The ROC plot for the reduced model is shown
Notice that there are fewer cut-pts plotted on
this graph than on the ROC plot for the full
model (previous page). The reason is that the
number of possible cut-pts for a given model is
always equal to or less than the number of
covariate patterns (i.e., distinct combinations
of predictors) defined by the model.
The reduced model (with only two binary pre-
dictors) contains four (¼ 22 ) covariate patterns
whereas the full model (with 5 binary predic-
tors) contains 32 (¼ 25 ) covariate patterns.
Moreover, because the reduced model is nested
within the full model, the AUC for the reduced
model will always be smaller than the AUC for
the full model, i.e., similar to the characteris-
tics ofR^2 in linear regression. That’s the case
here, since the AUC is 0.731 for the reduced
model compared to 0.745 for the full model.
EXAMPLE (continued)
Backward elimination:
Step 1: Drop HEAD
(highestP-value 0.5617)
Step 2: Drop AGECAT
(highestP-value 0.2219)
Step 3: Drop FLEX
(highestP-value 0.1207)
Step 4: Keep WEIGHT or
(highestP-value 0.0563)
Reduced Model After BW
Parameter DF Estimate Std
Intercept 1 3.1790 0.3553 80.0692<.0001
WEIGHT 1 1.7743 0.3781 22.0214 <.0001
PATELLAR 1 0.6504 0.3407 3.6437 0.0563
Association of Predicted Probabil-
ities and Observed Responses
Percent Concordant 61.4 Somers’ D 0.463
Percent Discordant 15.2 Gamma 0.604
Percent Tied 23.4 Tau-a 0.105
Pairs 14,214 c 0.731
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
1 – specificity
AUC = 0.731
0.7 0.8 0.90.10
ROC Plot for the Reduced Model
Reduced model (2Xs) Full model (5Xs)
22 ¼4 covariate
25 ¼32 covariate
4 cut-pts 28 cut-pts
AUCReduced¼0.731 AUCFull¼0.745
In general:
Model 1 isnestedwithin Model 2
AUCModel 1 AUCModel 2
Presentation: V. Example from Study on Screening for Knee Fracture 369