Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

  1. For a discrimination cut-point of0.300in the Classifi-
    cation Table provided above,
    a. fill in the table below to show the cell frequencies
    for the number of true positives (nTP), false posi-
    tives (nFP), true negatives (nTN), and false negatives

True (Observed) Outcome
cp¼0.30 Y¼ 1 Y¼ 0
Predicted Y¼ 1 nTP¼ nFP¼
Outcome Y¼ 0 nFN¼ nTN¼
n 1 ¼ 114 n 0 ¼ 175

b. Using the cell frequencies in the table of part 1a,
computein percentagesthe sensitivity, specificity,
1 specificity, false positive, and false negative
values, and verify that these results are identical
to the results shown in the Classification Table for
cut-point 0.300:

Sensitivity %¼
Specificity %¼
1 specificity %¼
False positive %¼
False negative %¼

c. Why are the 1specificity and false positive per-
centagesnotidentical even though they both use
the (same) number of false positive subjects in
their calculation?
d. How is the value of 70.9 in the column labeled
“Correct” computed and how can this value be
e. How do you interpret values for sensitivity and
specificity obtained for the cut-point of 0.300 in
terms of how well the model discriminates cases
from noncases?
f. What is the drawback to (exclusively) using the
results for the cut-point of 0.300 to determine how
well the model discriminates cases from noncases?

  1. Using the following graph, plot the points on the graph
    that would give the portion of the ROC curve that
    corresponds to the following cut-points: 0.000, 0.200,
    0.400, 0.600, 0.800, and 1.000

382 10. Assessing Discriminatory Performance of a Binary Logistic Model

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