a. What is the area within the entire rectangle and
what does it have in common with the formula for
the area under the ROC curve?
b. Using the AUC calculation formula, what is the
area under the ROC curve superimposed on the
above graph? How do you interpret this area?
- Below is additional output providing goodness of fit
information and the Hosmer-Lemeshow test for the
model fitted to the MRSA dataset. The column labeled
as “Group” lists the deciles of risk, ordered from smal-
lest to largest, e.g., decile 10 contains 23 patients who
had had the highest 10% of predicted probabilities.
mrsa¼1 mrsa¼ 0
Group Total Observed Expected Observed Expected
1 29 1 0.99 28 28.01
2 31 5 1.95 26 29.05
3 29 2 2.85 27 26.15
4 29 5 5.73 24 23.27
5 30 10 9.98 20 20.02
6 31 12 14.93 19 16.07
7 29 16 17.23 13 11.77
8 29 20 19.42 9 9.58
9 29 22 21.57 7 7.43
10 23 21 19.36 2 3.64
Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness-of-
Fit Test
Chi-Square DF Pr>ChiSq
7.7793 8 0.4553
a. Based on the above output, does the model fit the
data? Explain briefly.
b. What does the distribution of the number of
observed cases and observed noncases over the 10
deciles indicate about how well the model discri-
minates cases from noncases? Does your answer
384 10. Assessing Discriminatory Performance of a Binary Logistic Model