Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

logit P(X)¼aþ~biXi


bL¼¶ln (odds)

when¶XL¼1, otherXs fixed

The first expression below this model shows
that when CAT¼1, AGE¼40, and ECG¼0,
this logit reduces toaþb 1 þ 40 b 2.

The second expression shows that when
CAT¼0, but AGE and ECG remain fixed at
40 and 0, respectively, the logit reduces to
aþ 40 b 2.

If we subtract thelogit for CAT¼0 from the
logit for CAT¼1, after a little arithmetic, we
find that the difference isb 1 , the coefficient of
the variable CAT.

Thus, letting the symbol¶denote change, we
see thatb 1 represents the change in the logit
that would result from a unit change in CAT,
when the other variables are fixed.

An equivalent explanation is thatb 1 represents
thechange in the log odds that would result from
a one unit changein the variable CAT when the
other variables are fixed. These two statements
are equivalent because, by definition, alogitis
alog odds, so that the difference between two
logits is the same as the difference between two
log odds.

More generally, using the logit expression, if
we focus on any coefficient, saybL, fori¼L,
we can provide the following interpretation:

bLrepresents the change in the log odds that
would result from a one unit change in the
variableXL, when all otherXs are fixed.

EXAMPLE (continued)
(1) CAT¼1, AGE¼40, ECG¼ 0
logit P(X)¼aþb 11 þb 240
þb 30

=a+b 1 + 40 b 2

(2) CAT¼0, AGE¼40, ECG¼ 0

logit P(X)¼aþb 10 þb 240
þb 30
=a + 40 b 2

logit P 1 (X)logit P 0 (X)
¼(aþb 1 þ 40 b 2 )
(aþ 40 b 2 )
¼ b 1

= change

= log odds

when CAT = 1
AGE and ECG fixed

b 1 = logit


a = background
log odds

bi = change in
log odds

logit P(X)

In summary, by looking closely at the expres-
sion for the logit function, we provide some
interpretation for the parametersaandbiin
terms of odds, actuallylog odds.

Presentation: VII. Logit Transformation 21
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