Under this reduced model, the estimated odds
ratio adjusted for the effects of theVvariables
is given by the familiar expression e to the^b,
whereb^is the coefficient of the exposure vari-
able SMK.
The results from fitting this model and reduced
versions of this model which delete either or
both of the potential confounders SBP and
ECG are shown here. These results give both
conditional (C) and unconditional (U) odds
ratio estimates and 95% confidence intervals
(CI) for the conditional estimates only. (See
Computer Appendix.)
From inspection of this table of results, we see
that the unconditional estimation procedure
leads to overestimation of the odds ratio and,
therefore, should not be used.
The results also indicate a minimal amount of
confounding due to SBP and ECG. This can be
seen by noting that the gold standard esti-
mated odds ratio of 2.07, which controls for
both SBP and ECG, is essentially the same as
the other conditionally estimated odds ratios
that control for either SBP or ECG or neither.
Nevertheless, because the estimated odds ratio
of 2.32, which ignores both SBP and ECG in
the model, is moderately different from 2.07,
we recommend that at least one or possibly
both of these variables be controlled.
If at least one of SBP and ECG is controlled,
and confidence intervals are compared, the
narrowest confidence interval is obtained
when only ECG is controlled.
Thus, the most precise estimate of the effect is
obtained when ECG is controlled, along, of
course, with the matching variables.
Nevertheless, because all confidence intervals
are quite wide and include the null value of 1, it
does not really matter which variables are con-
trolled. The overall conclusion from this analysis
is that the adjusted estimate of the odds ratio for
the effect of smoking on the development of MI
is about 2, but it is quite nonsignificant.
EXAMPLE (continued)
RORd ¼e^b
Vs in model OR¼eb 95% CI
SBP and ECG C 2.07 (0.69, 6.23)
SBP only C2.08 (0.72, 6.00)
ECG only C2.05 (0.77, 5.49)
Neither C2.32 (0.93, 5.79)
C¼conditional estimate
U¼unconditional estimate
Minimal confounding:
Gold standarddOR¼ 2 : 07 ,
same as otherdOR
But 2.07 moderately different from
2.32, so we control forat leastone of
Narrowest CI: Control for ECG only
Most precise estimate:
Control for ECG only
All CI are wide and include 1
Overall conclusion:
AdjustedORd 2 , but is
Presentation: V. An Application 403