I. Overview
outcomes with
more than two
Examples of multilevel outcomes:
- Absent, mild, moderate, severe
- In situ, locally invasive,
metastatic - Choice of treatment regimen
One approach: dichotomize outcome
01 2
This presentation and the presentation that
follows describe approaches for extending the
standard logistic regression model to accom-
modate a disease, or outcome, variable that has
more than two categories. Up to this point, our
focus has been on models that involve a dicho-
tomous outcome variable, such as disease pres-
ent/absent. However, there may be situations in
which the investigator has collected data on
multiple levels of a single outcome. We describe
theformand keycharacteristicsof one model
for such multilevel outcome variables: the poly-
tomous logistic regression model.
Examples of outcome variables with more than
two levels might include (1) disease symptoms
that have been classified by subjects as being
absent, mild, moderate, or severe, (2) invasive-
ness of a tumor classified as in situ, locally
invasive, or metastatic, or (3) patients’ preferred
treatment regimen, selected from among three
or more options.
One possible approach to the analysis of data
with a polytomous outcome would be to
choose an appropriate cut-point, dichotomize
the multilevel outcome variable, and then sim-
ply utilize the logistic modeling techniques dis-
cussed in previous chapters.
For example, if the outcome symptom severity
has four categories of severity, one might com-
pare subjects with none or only mild symptoms to
those with either moderate or severe symptoms.
None Mild Moderate Severe
None or
Moderate or
432 12. Polytomous Logistic Regression