Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

II. Polytomous Logistic
Regression: An
Example with Three



When modeling a multilevel outcome variable,
the epidemiological question remains the
same: What is the relationship of one or more
exposure or study variables (E) to a disease or
illness outcome (D)?

In this section, we present an example of a
polytomous logistic regression model with
one dichotomous exposure variable and an
outcome (D) that has three categories. This is
the simplest case of a polytomous model. Later
in the presentation, we discuss extending the
polytomous model to more than one predictor
variable and then to outcomes with more than
three categories.

The example uses data from the National Can-
cer Institute’s Black/White Cancer Survival
Study (Hill et al., 1995). Suppose we are inter-
ested in assessing the effect of age group on
histological subtype among women with pri-
mary endometrial cancer. AGEGP, the expo-
sure variable, is coded as 0 for aged 50–64 or
1 for aged 65–79. The disease variable, histo-
logical subtype, is coded 0 for adenocarci-
noma, 1 for adenosquamous, and 2 for other.

There is no inherent order in the outcome vari-
able. The 0, 1, and 2 coding of the disease
categories is arbitrary.

The 32 table of the data is presented on the

Simplest case of polytomous model:

 Outcome with three categories
 One dichotomous exposure

Data source:
Black/White Cancer Survival Study

E¼AGEGP^0 if50--64
1 if65--79


0 if Adenocarcinoma
1 if Adenosquamous
2 if Other


SUBTYPE (0, 1, 2) uses arbitrary
50–64 65–79
E¼ 0 E¼ 1
D¼ 0

77 109
D¼ 1

11 34
D¼ 2

18 39

434 12. Polytomous Logistic Regression

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