Extending model to G outcomes
Outcome variable has G levels:
(0, 1, 2,...,G1)
PðD¼ 0 jXÞ
i¼ 1
whereg¼1, 2,...,G 1
Calculation of ORs and CIs as
Likelihood ratio test
Wald tests
Likelihood ratio test
2 lnLreducedð 2 lnLfullÞ
with df¼number of parameters
set to zero underH 0 (¼G1if
Wald test
^bg 1
s^bg 1
Nð 0 ; 1 Þ;
whereg¼1, 2,...,G 1
The model also easily extends for outcomes
with more than three levels.
Assume that the outcome hasGlevels (0, 1,
2,...,G1). There are nowG1 possible
comparisons with the reference category.
If the reference category is 0, we can define the
model in terms ofG1 expressions of the
following form: the log odds of the probability
that the outcome is in categorygdivided by the
probability the outcome is in category 0 equals
agplus the summation of thekindependent
variables times theirbgcoefficients.
The odds ratios and corresponding confidence
intervals for theG1 comparisons of cate-
gorygto category 0 are calculated in the man-
ner previously described. There are nowG 1
estimated odds ratios and corresponding con-
fidence intervals, for the effect of each inde-
pendent variable in the model.
The likelihood ratio test and Wald test are also
calculated as before.
For the likelihood ratio test, we test G 1
parameter estimates simultaneously for each
independent variable. Thus, for testing one
independent variable, we haveG1 degrees
of freedom for the chi-square test statistic com-
paring the reduced and full models.
We can also perform a Wald test to examine the
significance of individual betas. We haveG 1
coefficients that can be tested for each inde-
pendent variable. As before, the set of coeffi-
cients must either be retained or dropped.
Presentation: V. Extending the Polytomous Model toGOutcomes 449