Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Subjects:j¼1, 2, 3,...,n

yj 0 ¼

1 if outcome¼ 0
0 otherwise

yj 1 ¼

1 if outcome¼ 1
0 otherwise

yj 2 ¼

1 if outcome¼ 2
0 otherwise

PðD¼ 0 jXÞyj^0 PðD¼ 1 jXÞyj^1
PðD¼ 2 jXÞyj^2

yj 0 þyj 1 þyj 2 ¼ 1

since each subject has one outcome


j¼ 1

PðD¼ 0 jXÞyj^0 PðD¼ 1 jXÞyj^1 PðD¼ 2 jXÞyj^2

Likelihood for G outcome cate-


j¼ 1

GY 1

g¼ 0




1 if thejth subject hasD¼g
ðg¼ 0 ; 1 ;...;G 1 Þ
0 if otherwise



Estimated as and bs are those
which maximizeL

Assume that there arensubjects in the dataset,
numbered fromj¼1ton. If the outcome for
subjectjis in category 0, then we let an indica-
tor variable,yj 0 , be equal to 1, otherwiseyj 0 is
equal to 0. We similarly create indicator vari-
ablesyj 1 andyj 2 to indicate whether the sub-
ject’s outcome is in category 1 or category 2.

The contribution of each subject to the likeli-
hood is the probability that the outcome is in
category 0, raised to theyj 0 power, times the
probability that the outcome is in category 1,
raised to theyj 1 , times the probability that the
outcome is in category 2, raised to theyj 2.

Note that each individual subject contributes
to only one of the category probabilities, since
only one of the indicator variables will be non-

The joint probability for the likelihood is
the product of all the individual subject
probabilities, assuming subject outcomes are

The likelihood can be generalized to includeG
outcome categories by taking the product of
each individual’s contribution across the G
outcome categories.

The unknown parameters that will be esti-
mated by maximizing the likelihood are the
alphas and betas in the probability that the
disease outcome is in category g, where g
equals 0, 1,...,G1.

452 12. Polytomous Logistic Regression

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