Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
D. The likelihood ratio test is used to test
hypotheses about the significance of the
predictor variable(s).
i. With three levels of the outcome variable,
there are two comparisons and two
estimated coefficients for each predictor
ii. The null hypothesis is that each of the 2 beta
coefficients (for a given predictor) is equal
to zero
iii. The test compares the log likelihood of the
full model with the predictor to that of
the reduced model without the predictor.
The test is distributed approximately chi-
square, with 2 df for each predictor tested
E. The Wald test is used to test the significance of
the predictor at a single outcome level. The
procedure is analogous to standard logistic
V. Extending the polytomous model toGoutcomes
andkpredictors(pages 444–449)
A. The model easily extends to includek
independent variables.
B. The general form of the model forGoutcome
levels is


PðD¼ 0 jXÞ



i¼ 1


whereg¼ 1 ; 2 ;...;G 1 :
C. The calculation of the odds ratio, confidence
intervals, and hypothesis testing using the
likelihood ratio and Wald tests remains the
D. Interaction terms can be added and tested in a
manner analogous to standard logistic
VI. Likelihood function for polytomous model
(pages 450–452)
A. For an outcome variable withGcategories, the
likelihood function is

j¼ 1

GY 1

g¼ 0

PðD¼gjXÞyig; where


1 if thejth subject hasD¼g
0 if otherwise

wherenis the total number of subjects and
g¼0, 1,...,G1.

456 12. Polytomous Logistic Regression

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