Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


Variable Parameter

Intercept a 1 ,a 2 ,...,aG 1
X 1 b 1


Variable Parameter

Intercept a 1 ,a 2 ,...,aG 1
X 1 b 11 ,b 21 ,...,b(G1)1

Odds arenotinvariant

Proportional odds model:Gout-
come levels and one predictor(X)

PðDgjX 1 Þ¼

1 þexp½ðagþb 1 X 1 ފ

whereg¼1, 2,...,G 1

1 PðDgjX 1 Þ

¼ 1 


1 þexp½ðagþb 1 X 1 ފ


exp½ðagþb 1 X 1 ފ
1 þexp½ðagþb 1 X 1 ފ
¼PðD<gjX 1 Þ

This implies that if there areGoutcome cate-
gories, there is only one parameter (b) for each
of the predictors variables (e.g.,b 1 for predictor
X 1 ). However, there is still a separate intercept
term (ag) for each of theG1 comparisons.

This contrasts with polytomous logistic regres-
sion, where there areG1 parameters for each
predictor variable, as well as a separate inter-
cept for each of theG1 comparisons.

The assumption of the invariance of the odds
ratio regardless of cut-point isnotthe same as
assuming that theoddsfor a given exposure
pattern is invariant. Using our previous exam-
ple, for a given exposure levelE(e.g.,E¼0),
the odds comparing categories greater than or
equal to 1 to less than 1 doesnotequal the odds
comparing categories greater than or equal to 4
to less than 4.

We now present the form for the proportional
odds model with an outcome (D) withGlevels
(D¼0, 1, 2,...,G1) and one independent
variable (X 1 ). The probability that the disease
outcome is in a category greater than or equal
tog, given the exposure, is 1 over 1 plus e to the
negative of the quantityagplusb 1 X 1.

The probability that the disease outcome is in a
categorylessthan g is equal to 1 minus the
probability that the disease outcome is greater
than or equal to categoryg.

odds(D1) 6 ¼odds(D4)
where, forE¼0,

oddsðD 1 Þ¼
PðD 1 jE¼ 0 Þ
PðD< 1 jE¼ 0 Þ

oddsðD 4 Þ¼
PðD 4 jE¼ 0 Þ
PðD< 4 jE¼ 0 Þ
ORðD 1 Þ¼ORðD 4 Þ

468 13. Ordinal Logistic Regression

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