Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Equivalent model definition


PðDgjX 1 Þ
1 PðDgjX 1 Þ

PðDgjX 1 Þ
PðD<gjX 1 Þ


1 þexp½ðagþb 1 X 1 ފ
exp½ðagþb 1 X 1 ފ
1 þexp½ðagþb 1 X 1 ފ
¼expðagþb 1 X 1 Þ

odds model:

vs. Standard

no g subscript

Proportional odds

vs. Polytomous

P(D ³ g|X)P(D = g|X)

Alternate model formulation:

key differences

odds =

where g = 1, 2, 3, ... , G–1
and D* = 1, 2, ... , G

P(D* £ g | X 1 )
P(D* > g | X 1 )

g subscript

b 1 bg 1

=exp(a*g – b∗ 1 X 1 ),

Comparing formulations

b 1 ¼b* 1

The model can be defined equivalently in terms
of the odds of an inequality. If we substitute the
formula P(Dg|X 1 ) into the expression for the
odds and then perform some algebra (as shown
on the left), we find that theoddsis equal to
e to the quantityagplusb 1 X 1.

The proportional odds model is written differ-
ently from the standard logistic model. The
model is formulated as the probability of an
inequality, that is, that the outcomeDis greater
than or equal tog.

The model also differs from the polytomous
model in an important way. The beta is not sub-
scripted byg. This is consistent with the propor-
tional odds assumption that only one parameter
is required for each independent variable.

An alternate formulation of the proportional
odds model is to define the model as the odds
ofD* less than or equal toggiven the exposure
is equal to e to the quantitya*gb* 1 X 1 , where
g¼1, 2, 3,...,G1 and whereD*¼1, 2,...,G.
The two key differences with this formulation
are the direction of the inequality (D*g) and
the negative sign before the parameterb* 1 .In
terms of the beta coefficients, these two key
differences “cancel out” so thatb 1 ¼b* 1. Conse-
quently, if the same data are fit for each formu-
lation of the model, the same parameter
estimates of beta would be obtained for each
model. However, the intercepts for the two
formulations differ asag¼ag*.

Presentation: II. Ordinal Logistic Regression: The Proportional Odds Model 469
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