Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

[P(Dgþ1) ]

Forg¼ 2

Use relationship to obtain proba-
bility that individual is in given out-
come category.

Lis product of individual contribu-


j¼ 1

GY 1

g¼ 0



yjg¼^1 if thejth subject hasD¼g
0 if otherwise

VI. Ordinal vs. Multiple
Standard Logistic

Proportional odds model: order of
outcome considered.

Alternative: several logistic regres-
sion models

Original variable: 0, 1, 2, 3
 1vs.< 1,  2vs.< 2 , and
3vs.< 3

In the proportional odds model, we model the
probability ofDg. To obtain an expression
for the probability ofD¼g, we can use the
relationship that the probability (D¼g)is
equal to the probability ofDgminus the
probability ofD(gþ1). For example, the
probability thatDequals 2 is equal to the prob-
ability that D is greater than or equal to
2 minus the probability thatDis greater than
or equal to 3. In this way we can use the model
to obtain an expression for the probability that
an individual is in a specific outcome category
for a given pattern of covariates (X).

The likelihood (L) is then calculated in the same
manner discussed previously in the section
on polytomous regression – that is, by taking
the product of the individual contributions.

The proportional odds model takes into
account the effect of an exposure on an ordered
outcome and yields one odds ratio summariz-
ing that effect across outcome levels. An alter-
native approach is to conduct a series of
logistic regressions with different dichoto-
mized outcome variables. A separate odds
ratio for the effect of the exposure can be
obtained for each of the logistic models.

For example, in a four-level outcome variable,
coded as 0, 1, 2, and 3, we can define three new
outcomes: greater than or equal to 1 vs. less
than 1, greater than or equal to 2 vs. less than
2, and greater than or equal to 3 vs. less than 3.

Presentation: VI. Ordinal vs. Multiple Standard Logistic Regressions 479
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