Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


I. Overview(page 466)
A. Focus: modeling outcomes with more than two
B. Ordinal outcome variables.
II. Ordinal logistic regression: The proportional
odds model(pages 466–472)
A. Ordinal outcome: variable categories have a
natural order.
B. Proportional odds assumption: the odds ratio is
invariant to where the outcome categories are
C. The form for the proportional odds model with
one independent variable (X 1 ) for an outcome
(D) withGlevels (D¼0, 1, 2,...,G1) is

PðDgjX 1 Þ¼


1 þexp½ðagþb 1 X 1 ފ


whereg¼ 1 ; 2 ;...;G 1
III. Odds ratios and confidence limits(pages 472–475)
A. Computation of the OR in ordinal regression is
analogous to standard logistic regression,
except that there is a single odds ratio for all
B. The general formula for the odds ratio for
any two levels of the predictor variable
(X** 1 andX* 1 )is
OR¼exp½b 1 ðX 1 **X 1 *ފ
for a model with one independent variable (X 1 ).
C. Confidence interval estimation is analogous to
standard logistic regression.
D. The general large-sample formula for a 95%
confidence interval for any two levels of the
independent variable (X** 1 andX* 1 )is

exp^b 1 ðX 1 **X 1 *Þ   1 : 96 ðX** 1 X* 1 Þs^b 1


E. The likelihood ratio test is used to test
hypotheses about the significance of the
predictor variable(s).
i. There is one estimated coefficient for each
ii. The null hypothesis is that the beta
coefficient (for a given predictor) is equal to
iii. The test compares the log likelihood of the
full model with the predictor(s) to that of
the reduced model without the predictor(s).

482 13. Ordinal Logistic Regression

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