Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Test True or False (Circle T or F)

T F 1. The disease categories absent, mild, moderate,
and severe can be ordinal.
T F 2. In an ordinal logistic regression (using a propor-
tional odds model) in which the outcome vari-
able has five levels, there will be four intercepts.
T F 3. In an ordinal logistic regression in which the out-
come variable has five levels, each independent
variable will have four estimated coefficients.
T F 4. If the outcome Dhas seven levels (coded 1,
2,..., 7), then P(D4)/P(D<4) is an example
of an odds.
T F 5. If the outcomeDhas seven levels (coded 1, 2,
..., 7), an assumption of the proportional odds
model is that P(D3)/P(D<3) is assumed
equal to P(D5)/P(D<5).
T F 6. If the outcomeDhas seven levels (coded 1, 2,
..., 7) and an exposureEhas two levels (coded
0 and 1), then an assumption of the propor-
tional odds model is that [P(D3|E¼1)/
is assumed equal to [P(D5|E¼1)/P(D<5|
T F 7. If the outcome Dhas four categories coded
D¼0, 1, 2, 3, then the log odds ofD2is
greater than the log odds ofD1.
T F 8. Suppose a four level outcomeDcodedD¼0, 1,
2, 3 is recodedD*¼1, 2, 7, 29, then the choice
of usingDorD*as the outcome in a propor-
tional odds model has no effect on the parame-
ter estimates as long as the order in the
outcome is preserved.

  1. Suppose the following proportional odds model is
    specified assessing the effects of AGE (continuous),
    GENDER (female¼0, male¼1), SMOKE (non-
    smoker¼0, smoker¼1), and hypertension status
    (HPT) (no¼0, yes¼1) on four progressive stages of
    disease (D¼0 for absent,D¼1 for mild,D¼2 for
    severe, andD¼3 for critical).



¼agþb 1 AGEþb 2 GENDER

þb 3 SMOKEþb 4 HPT;

whereg¼1, 2, 3.
Use the model to obtain an expression for the odds of
a severe or critical outcome (D 2) for a 40-year-old
male smoker without hypertension.

Test 487
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