Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


I. Overview

outcomes with


Examples of correlated responses:

  1. Different members of the same

  2. Each eye of the same person.

  3. Several bypass grafts on the
    same subject.

  4. Monthly measurements on the
    same subject.

Observations can be grouped into


Cluster Source of
1 Household Household
2 Subject Eyes
3 Subject Bypass
4 Subject Monthly

In this chapter, we provide an introduction to
modeling techniques for use with dichotomous
outcomes in which the responses are corre-
lated. We focus on one of the most commonly
used modeling techniques for this type of anal-
ysis, known as generalized estimating equa-
tions or GEE, and we describe how the GEE
approach is used to carry out logistic regres-
sion for correlated dichotomous responses.

For the modeling techniques discussed previ-
ously, we have made an assumption that the
responses are independent. In many research
scenarios, this is not a reasonable assumption.
Examples of correlated responses include
(1) observations on different members of the
same household, (2) observations on each eye
of the same person, (3) results (e.g., success/
failure) of several bypass grafts on the same
subject, and (4) measurements repeated each
month over the course of a year on the same
subject. The last is an example of a longitudi-
nal study, since individuals’ responses are
measured repeatedly over time.

For the above-mentioned examples, the obser-
vations can be grouped into clusters. In exam-
ple 1, the clusters are households, whereas
the observations are the individual members
of each household. In example 4, the clusters
are individual subjects, whereas the observa-
tions are the monthly measurements taken on
the subject.

492 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE

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