Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

95% confidence interval

95 %CI¼exp½ 0 : 2214  1 : 96 ð 0 : 8558 ފ
¼ð 0 : 23 ; 6 : 68 Þ

Wald test

H 0 :b 3 ¼ 0

0 : 2214

0 : 8558

¼ 0 : 259 ;P¼ 0 : 7958

Standard Logistic Regression

Variable Coefficient Std Err


INTERCEPT 1.4362 0.6022 0.0171
BIRTHWGT 0.0005 0.0002 0.0051
GENDER 0.0453 0.2757 0.8694
DIARRHEA 0.7764 0.4538 0.0871

Responses within clusters assumed

Also called the “naive” model

Odds ratio

¼expð 0 : 7764 Þ¼ 2 : 17

95% confidence interval

95 %CI¼exp½ 0 : 7764  1 : 96 ð 0 : 4538 ފ
¼ð 0 : 89 ; 5 : 29 Þ

The 95% confidence interval is calculated
using the usual large-sample formula, yielding
a confidence interval of (0.23, 6.68).

We can test the null hypothesis that the beta
coefficient for DIARRHEA is equal to zero
using the Wald test, in which we divide the
parameter estimate by its standard error. For
the variable DIARRHEA, the Wald statistic
equals 0.259. The corresponding P-value is
0.7958, which indicates that there is not
enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

The output for the standard logistic regression
is presented for comparison. In this analysis,
each observation is assumed to be indepen-
dent. When there are several observations per
subject, as with these data, the term “naive
model” is often used to describe a model
that assumes independence when responses
within a cluster are likely to be correlated. For
the Infant Care Study example, there are 1,203
separate outcomes across the 136 infants.

Using this output, the estimated odds ratio
comparing symptoms of diarrhea vs. no diar-
rhea is 2.17 for the naive model.

The 95% confidence interval for this odds ratio
is calculated to be (0.89, 5.29).

496 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE

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